
tech2024-03-27  93


Fresh blogging blood: Adam Lehaman, previously Adobe’s “ColdFusion Specialist”, is now a full time ColdFusion Evangelist – and he’s also relaunched his blog, Adrocknaphobia. I had the pleasure of seeing Adam present during the CFCAMP event in Perth late last year, so I can tell you he’s really good at what he does. Also on the Adobe front, Kristen Schofield, ColdFusion marketing manager, is looking for ColdFusion case studies, so if you’ve done something cool, this could be your opportunity to tell the world about it.

博客的新鲜血液:以前是Adobe的“ ColdFusion专家”的亚当·莱哈曼(Adam Lehaman)现在是全职的ColdFusion传播者–他还重新发布了自己的博客Adrocknaphobia 。 我很高兴看到亚当在去年下半年的珀斯CFCAMP活动中出席,所以我可以告诉你他在做事上确实很出色。 同样在Adobe方面,ColdFusion营销经理Kristen Schofield正在寻找ColdFusion案例研究 ,因此,如果您做了一些很酷的事情,这可能是一个向全世界介绍它的机会。

Older podcasts from CFUnited, posted in January, somehow ended up in my feed this week, but it was a good reminder – there is some great content tucked away there. See the full list on the CFUnited site.

来自CFUnited的较早的播客(发布于1月)在本周的我的提要中以某种方式结束,但这是一个很好的提醒-那里藏有一些很棒的内容。 请参阅CFUnited网站上的完整列表 。

Ajax integration is proving to be one of the most talked-about features in ColdFusion 8, sparking lots of interest in JavaScript frameworks and particularly ExtJS. Justin Carter has released an alpha version of ColdExt, an ExtJS-based tag library for ColdFusion, to RIAForge. Justin has also posted some information about where he sees the project heading next.

事实证明,Ajax集成是ColdFusion 8中最受关注的功能之一,引起了JavaScript框架,尤其是ExtJS的广泛兴趣。 贾斯汀·卡特(Justin Carter)向RIAForge发布了ColdExt的Alpha版本,该版本是基于ExtJS的ColdFusion标签库 。 贾斯汀还发表了一些关于他下一步看项目方向的信息 。

And then for some code: Ben Nadel and Ray Camden have started an image manipulation project on RIAForge – ImageUtils.cfc – which extends ColdFusion 8’s built-in image functionality. With two developers like that on the job, you just know it has to be good! Steve Nelson continues his fascinating series on integrating Google calendar with Google Calendar XML: Deciphering the Data, and Mark Mazelin has posted CFFormMail – a ColdFusion port of the infamous Perth Formmail script from Matt’s Script Archive – to RIAForge in response to Ben Nadel’s post about a form script that I reported on last week.

然后输入一些代码:Ben Nadel和Ray Camden 在RIAForge上启动了一个图像处理项目– ImageUtils.cfc ,该项目扩展了ColdFusion 8的内置图像功能。 有两名像这样的开发人员在工作,您只知道它一定很好! 史蒂夫·纳尔逊(Steve Nelson)继续他有关将Google日历与Google Calendar XML集成的有趣系列文章:解密数据 ,马克·马泽林(Mark Mazelin)将CFFormMail ( 臭名昭著的Perth Formmail脚本从Matt的脚本档案库中的ColdFusion 移植版)发布到RIAForge,以回应Ben Nadel关于a我上周报告的表单脚本 。

Whew! I have on my desk the latest issue of Fusion Authority Quarterly Update, but between all the bloggy goodness, some great discussions over on the CF-Talk mailing list, the general nuttiness on the ColdFusion Community web site and ah… some occasional work, I simply haven’t had time to sink my teeth in. Hopefully this week!

ew! 我的办公桌上有最新一期的《 Fusion Authority季度更新》,但是在所有博客方面, 在CF-Talk邮件列表上进行了一些精彩的讨论,在ColdFusion社区网站上进行了一般的讨论,等等。只是没有时间让我陷入困境。希望本周!


