jumpbox 端口

tech2024-03-28  91

jumpbox 端口

When I first learned about Tempe, Arizona-based virtual appliance provider JumpBox about 11 months ago, they had somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 paying customers and offered 10 appliances. A lot has changed since then. The company now has over 1,000 paying customers and offers virtual appliances for over 33 different applications via their JumpBox Open service, which provides access to appliances for popular open source applications on a subscription basis. There have been more than 20,000 JumpBoxes deployed, according to the company.

大约11个月前,当我第一次了解位于亚利桑那州坦佩的虚拟设备提供商JumpBox时 ,他们有200个付费客户,并提供了10种设备。 从那以后很多事情改变了。 该公司目前拥有1,000多家付费客户,并通过其JumpBox Open服务为33多种不同的应用程序提供虚拟设备,该服务以订阅方式提供对流行的开源应用程序的设备访问。 据该公司称,已经部署了超过20,000个JumpBox。

A virtual appliance is basically a packaged version of a web app that can be downloaded and easily deployed over a local network (or on a single machine). There are generally two benefits to being able to deploy software via a JumpBox virtual appliance. 1. Users are able to use popular open source web applications — such as content management systems or bug trackers — over local networks without having to bug the IT department to get it set up, and 2. Because they are so easy to install/deploy, they’re ideal for trying out software before committing money to it.

虚拟设备基本上是Web应用程序的打包版本,可以下载并轻松地通过本地网络(或在单个计算机上)进行部署。 能够通过JumpBox虚拟设备部署软件通常有两个好处。 1.用户能够在本地网络上使用流行的开源Web应用程序(例如内容管理系统或错误跟踪器),而不必麻烦IT部门进行设置;以及2.因为它们是如此易于安装/部署,它们是在投入资金之前试用软件的理想选择。

The former use case makes the JumpBox virtual appliances ideal for software like Trac or MediaWiki, which can be useful even when used locally. The latter, though, is what prompted JumpBox to launch “Powered By JumpBox,” which the company is announcing today.

前一个用例使JumpBox虚拟设备成为Trac或MediaWiki之类的软件的理想选择,即使在本地使用时,它们也很有用。 不过,后者正是促使JumpBox启动“ Powered By JumpBox”的原因,该公司今天宣布了这一消息。

Powered By JumpBox is a service for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) that gives them the ability to create JumpBox virtual appliances of their products. The main use case for these ISVs is to provide customers with easily deployable trial versions of their software. The first client of Powered By JumpBox is Six Apart, who will release a JumpBox-powered virtual appliance of their popular MovableType Pro blogging platform. The goal for MovableType is to diminish the barriers created by an advanced install process and allow potential customers to more quickly try out the software.

由JumpBox提供支持的一项针对独立软件供应商(ISV)的服务,使他们能够创建其产品的JumpBox虚拟设备。 这些ISV的主要用例是为客户提供易于部署的软件试用版。 由JumpBox提供支持的第一个客户是Six Apart,他们将发布由其流行的MovableType Pro博客平台提供JumpBox支持的虚拟设备。 MovableType的目标是消除由高级安装过程造成的障碍,并允许潜在客户更快地试用该软件。

In addition to being deployable on a number of virtualization platforms, JumpBox virtual appliances can also be pushed out to cloud computing environments like Amazon EC2, which means it is relatively painless for customers to go from virtual trial version of a web application to publicly deployed version.

除了可以部署在许多虚拟化平台上之外,JumpBox虚拟设备还可以推出到Amazon EC2之类的云计算环境中,这意味着客户从Web应用程序的虚拟试用版转到公开部署的版本相对比较容易。 。

Besides creating virtual versions of downloadable web applications, JumpBox COO Sean Tierney told me that JumpBoxes could also be used to create downloadable, locally deployable versions of cloud-based web applications. That could be attractive for SaaS providers, who could easily offer a downloadable version of their online applications for potential customers that are concerned with security and reliability (read: enterprise customers).

JumpBox首席运营官Sean Tierney告诉我,除了创建可下载Web应用程序的虚拟版本外,JumpBoxes还可以用于创建基于云的Web应用程序的可下载的,可本地部署的版本。 这对SaaS提供商可能具有吸引力,因为SaaS提供商可以轻松地为关心安全性和可靠性的潜在客户提供其在线应用程序的可下载版本(请参阅:企业客户)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/jumpbox-launches-virtual-appliances-as-a-service/

jumpbox 端口
