
tech2024-03-28  119

Canadian startup AideRSS is one of the coolest things since sliced bread. No, really. That may sound like hyperbole, but it is one of the most useful utilities I’ve come across over the past year. When I first read about developer Ilya Grigorik’s plans for an RSS filtering algorithm in December 2006, my first thought was, “I have to get this guy on the phone and convince him to turn this into a web service.” I procrastinated, but Grigorik didn’t and in July 2007 he launched AideRSS, an RSS filtering application based on his initial PostRank idea.

加拿大创业公司AideRSS是切成薄片以来最酷的事物之一。 不完全是。 这听起来像夸张,但这是我在过去一年中遇到的最有用的实用程序之一。 当我在2006年12月第一次了解开发人员Ilya Grigorik的RSS过滤算法计划时 ,我的第一个想法是:“我必须让这个人通电话,并说服他将其转变为Web服务。” 我拖延了一下,但Grigorik却没有,并于2007年7月基于他最初的PostRank想法启动了AideRSS,这是一个RSS过滤应用程序。

PostRank ranks RSS feed items by looking at how much user interaction they have had — the more user interaction, the higher the rank. Ranks are normalized to each feed, so that while 10 comments and 40 diggs on one blog may result in a PR of 10, it may only be a PR of 3 on a more popular web site. PostRank uses diggs, saves, Twitter tweets, Google Reader shares, comments, and starting today Ma.gnolia bookmarks, and Pownce messages to determine rankings.

PostRank通过查看RSS订阅源项目的用户互动程度来对其进行排名-用户互动越多,排名就越高。 排名是针对每个提要进行标准化的,因此,尽管一个博客上的10条评论和40次挖掘可能使PR达到10,但在更受欢迎的网站上PR仅为3。 PostRank使用Diggs,del.icio.us保存,Twitter鸣叫,Google阅读器共享,评论以及从今天开始的Ma.gnolia书签和Pownce消息来确定排名。

AideRSS also announced today that it was spinning off PostRank as an API, available on the new PostRank web site. Opening up the PostRank algorithm as a service does two things: it means that anyone can now create “thematic” versions of AideRSS that mix and match articles on specific topics from different sources — you can apply rankings to posts from more than just a single feed now — as well as add post filtering to any application, and it may actually improve PostRank itself.

AideRSS 今天还宣布 ,它将分离PostRank作为API,可在新的PostRank网站上获得 。 打开PostRank算法即服务有两件事:这意味着任何人现在都可以创建AideRSS的“主题”版本,以混合和匹配来自不同来源的特定主题的文章–您可以将排名应用于来自多个订阅源的帖子现在-以及将后过滤添加到任何应用程序,它实际上可能会改善PostRank本身。

Because pageviews and article clicks are figured into the PostRank algorithm (right now via AideRSS widgets and RSS reader integration — such as via the Google Reader extension, which was updated today, or via NewsGator Online, which uses PostRank), any RSS reader or application that adds PostRank via the new API might theoretically send data back to AideRSS that could improve the algorithm itself.

因为页面浏览量和文章点击次数已计入PostRank算法(现在通过AideRSS小部件和RSS阅读器集成-例如通过今天更新的Google阅读器扩展 ,或通过使用PostRank的NewsGator Online),所以任何RSS阅读器或应用程序通过新API添加PostRank的方法理论上可能会将数据发送回AideRSS,从而可以改善算法本身。

As long as you can get on board with the idea that increased social engagement indicates better quality content, then AideRSS and PostRank are very helpful tools for cutting down the noise that any heavy media users feel. PostRank really shines because each post’s ranking is normalized against the average for that blog — thus rankings don’t favor heavily trafficked sites. Sites that have very little play on Digg or can still benefit from ranking posts with PostRank as a result.

只要您对增加社交参与度表示更好的质量内容的想法有所了解,那么AideRSS和PostRank都是非常有用的工具,可以减少任何重媒体用户所感受到的噪音。 PostRank确实令人眼前一亮,因为每个帖子的排名均针对该博客的平均值进行了归一化处理-因此,排名不支持访问量大的网站。 因此,在Digg或del.icio.us上没有什么作用的网站仍然可以从PostRank的帖子排名中受益。

