
tech2024-03-28  91

Though Facebook’s new design has only been pushed out to about 5% of the site’s 80 million users, it’s available to anyone who clicks on www.new.facebook.com. But a potential bug may make some users think twice about making the upgrade. But is it really a bug?

尽管Facebook的新设计仅被推送到该网站8000万用户中的约5%,但单击www.new.facebook.com的任何人都可以使用它。 但是潜在的错误可能会使某些用户对升级进行三思。 但这真的是一个错误吗?

Web developer and entrepreneur Kyle Brady pinged me over the weekend to let me know about a possible bug he’d uncovered with the new Facebook design. Brady noticed after upgrading his account that his application page was suddenly cluttered with apps that he had never installed, or previously installed and subsequently uninstalled. According to Brady, he has had trouble trying to remove the apps now as well.

Web开发人员和企业家Kyle Brady在周末对我进行了ping操作,让我知道他在使用新的Facebook设计时发现的可能的错误 。 Brady升级帐户后发现,他的应用程序页面突然被他从未安装过,以前安装过,随后又卸载过的应用程序所困扰。 据布雷迪说,他现在也很难删除这些应用程序。

Curious, I logged into my Facebook app to see if I had any strange apps on my list as well. Surprisingly, there were. Facebook listed at least three applications that’d I’d previously removed and a couple that I can’t recall ever installing (though a year ago when the platform was just taking off, I was getting 20 or more emails requesting that I review a new Facebook app each week, so I did install and remove a ton of apps during those first couple of months). I didn’t have any problems removing them, though.

很好奇,我登录了我的Facebook应用程序,以查看列表中是否还有任何奇怪的应用程序。 令人惊讶的是。 Facebook列出了至少三个我之前删除过的应用程序,以及几个我以前从未安装过的应用程序(尽管一年前该平台刚刚起飞时,我收到20封或更多电子邮件,要求我查看每周都会有新的Facebook应用程序,因此在前几个月我确实安装和删除了大量应用程序)。 不过,删除它们没有任何问题。

Brady recalls that there have long been rumors that Facebook never actually deletes any user data, it essentially just comments “deleted” stuff out so the rendering engine doesn’t display it. The reason, presumably, is that users are fickle and may change their mind later and want to reverse a decision.

布雷迪回忆说,长期以来一直有谣传说Facebook实际上从未删除任何用户数据,它实际上只是注释掉“已删除”的内容,因此渲染引擎不会显示它。 大概是因为用户善变,以后可能会改变主意并想撤消决定。

Something printed on the Applications page on the new design seems to support that theory: “These are all the applications you’ve added or logged into in the past.” Of course, that also indicates that it’s not a bug, but a feature — the new apps page is a record of any app you added in the past, including applications you’ve removed. It doesn’t explain apps that you never installed (though I’m willing to concede that I may have installed some of the apps that “appeared” on my page briefly and just forgotten about it), and it would be sort of an odd feature — I removed those apps for a reason. But it is a potential explanation for the mysteriously appearing applications.

在新设计的“应用程序”页面上打印的内容似乎支持该理论:“ 这些都是您过去添加或登录的所有应用程序。 ”当然,这还表明它不是错误,而是功能-新的应用程序页面记录了您过去添加的所有应用程序,包括已删除的应用程序。 它并没有说明您从未安装过的应用程序(尽管我愿意承认我可能已经安装了一些短暂出现在页面上而被遗忘的应用程序),这有点奇怪功能-我删除这些应用是有原因的。 但这是对神秘出现的应用程序的潜在解释。

Have you noticed any applications appear that you didn’t add or had already removed since upgrading your Facebook account?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/did-the-facebook-flub-their-redesign/
