
tech2024-03-29  96


Google sent out a letter to AdSense publishers this afternoon reassuring them that during these times of “economic turmoil,” Google is working to boost publisher revenue.


Among the things that Google says they’re working on:


Better AdSense for search

更好的AdSense搜索广告 Integration of DoubleClick tech into AdSense

将DoubleClick技术集成到AdSense中 Improved ability for AdWords advertisers to target content network


The letter is rather light on specifics, so we have two questions for readers:


1. Have you noticed a drop in AdSense revenue since the world financial markets started tanking last month? and 2. Does Google’s letter reassure you?

1.自上个月世界金融市场开始衰退以来,您是否注意到AdSense收入下降了? 2. Google的来信使您放心吗?

The full text of the letter is below:


Dear Publisher,


We understand that the recent economic turmoil has created a lot of uncertainty in the lives of AdSense publishers. During these difficult times, we’re continuing to invest in innovations that improve publisher monetization and advertiser value in the content network.

我们了解到,最近的经济动荡给AdSense发布商的生活带来了很多不确定性。 在这些困难时期,我们将继续投资于创新,以提高内容网络中的发布商货币化和广告商价值。

We’re focusing on further developing our product offerings and boosting ad performance for publishers. We recently announced advancements in AdSense for search and experiments to make ads more effective. We’re bringing DoubleClick technologies to AdSense publishers, and we’ll continue to launch new products and features. We’re also continuing to improve our offerings for AdWords advertisers, making it easier for them to target the Google content network. Features for advertisers, such as the new display ad builder, are designed to improve ad performance on AdSense publisher sites.

我们专注于进一步开发产品,并提高发布商的广告效果。 我们最近宣布了AdSense搜索广告和实验技术的进步,以提高广告的效果。 我们将DoubleClick技术引入AdSense发布商,并将继续推出新产品和功能。 我们还将继续改善为AdWords广告客户提供的服务,使他们更轻松地定位到Google内容网络。 新型展示广告制作工具等广告客户的功能旨在提高AdSense发布商网站上的广告效果。

We’ll keep driving technological progress, but our best asset will always be our publisher partners. The strength of AdSense lies in the value of the content you bring to users and the quality of the sites you bring to advertisers. Our success is tied to yours. We look forward to partnering with you for the long term, and remain dedicated to helping you succeed.

我们将继续推动技术进步,但我们最好的资产将永远是我们的发布商合作伙伴。 AdSense的优势在于您带给用户的内容的价值以及带给广告商的网站的质量。 我们的成功与您息息相关。 我们期待与您建立长期合作伙伴关系,并始终致力于帮助您取得成功。



Kim Scott Director AdSense Online Sales & Operations

Kim Scott总监AdSense在线销售和运营


