
tech2024-03-29  91

Update: A source with knowledge of the company confirms to me that Epivoz is working on at least an new site for the environment vertical, though it is unknown if the project has ever progressed beyond an internal demo.

更新:据 了解该公司的消息人士向我证实,Epivoz至少正在为垂直环境开发一个新站点,尽管尚不清楚该项目是否进行过内部演示。

Since launching in 2005 on a sub-domain of its politics-themed older brother Techmeme has become a daily (hourly?) must read site in the technology blogosphere, in the same way that Memeorandum has become a must read site in the political blogosphere. Techmeme and its related sites, which are operated by a bootstrapped, two-person company called Epivoz, are so popular among bloggers and news junkies because they just do a better job surfacing the day’s top news stories, and more quickly, than better funded rivals like Google News and Topix.

自2005年在其以政治为主题的哥哥Techmeme的子域中推出以来, Memeorandum已成为政治性博客圈中的必读站点,这与技术博客圈中的每日(每小时?)必读站点相同。 Techmeme及其相关站点由一家名为Epivoz的自负盈亏的两人公司运营,在博客作者和新闻迷中如此受欢迎,因为它们比起资金雄厚的竞争对手,做得更好,而且可以更快地公开当天的热门新闻报道。例如Google新闻和Topix。

Since Memeorandum launched in 2004 and Techmeme in 2005 (originally as a sub domain of Memdorandum), Epivoz has launched two other sites on the same back end: WeSmirch for celebrity gossip in March of 2006, and BallBug for baseball news a few weeks later.

自从Memeorandum于2004年推出和Techmeme于2005年(最初是Memdorandum的子域)以来,Epivoz在同一后端又推出了另外两个站点: WeSmirch于2006年3月发布名人八卦, BallBug于几周后发布棒球新闻。

“What’s the next vertical site for Memeorandum? [Founder Gabe Rivera] won’t say exactly, but from what I’ve seen, he’s a discussion follower. If blogs are talking about something and linking back and forth a lot, expect Memeorandum to be there eventually,” wondered Mike Arrington when BallBug was launched. However, in the intervening two and a half years, the Techmeme empire has remained exactly the same size.

“ Memeorandum的下一个垂直站点是什么? [创始人Gabe Rivera]不会确切地说,但从我所见,他是讨论的追随者。 如果博客正在谈论某些话题并且经常来回链接,那么希望Memeorandum最终会出现在这里。” BallBug推出时, Mike Arrington感到疑惑 。 但是,在随后的两年半中,Techmeme帝国的规模一直保持不变。

A job post spotted over the weekend, however, points to where Techmeme might expand in the future. Epivoz is looking to hire employee number three, and one of the required skills that they’re looking for, is familiarity with the following topics: “technology, business, finance, economics, politics, biotech, clean tech, the environment, football, or automobiles.”

但是,在周末发现的工作职位指出Techmeme将来可能会扩展的地方。 Epivoz希望聘用第三名员工,他们正在寻找的必备技能之一就是熟悉以下主题:“技术,商业,金融,经济学,政治,生物技术,清洁技术,环境,足球,或汽车。”

Technology and politics are already covered by Epivoz’s two most popular sites (Techmeme and Memeorandum, repsectively), but business, finance, economics (all currently popular and related issues), biotech, cleantech, the environment, football, and automobiles suggest potential new verticals for the company. Could Techmeme be readying the launch of new companion news watching sites? It sure sounds that way.

Epivoz的两个最受欢迎的网站(分别为Techmeme和Memeorandum)已经涵盖了技术和政治,但是商业,金融,经济学(当前都流行和相关的问题),生物技术,清洁技术,环境,足球和汽车都表明了潜在的新行业为公司。 Techmeme可以准备推出新的伴随新闻观看网站吗? 听起来肯定是这样。

Given the current state of the world economy, finance and economics news has become topic number one for many consumers, so that would make a lot of sense as a area of expansion for the site. Cleantech and the environment make sense as well, since the price of oil has created a lot of mainstream interest in those topics. Football and cars, meanwhile, are heavily blogged about topical areas that would fit well into Epivoz’s link-based algorithmic news gathering framework.

鉴于世界经济的当前状况,财经新闻已成为许多消费者的头号话题,因此,作为该站点的扩展领域,这将具有很大的意义。 清洁技术和环境也很有意义,因为油价已引起人们对这些话题的广泛关注。 同时,足球和汽车在博客主题方面的博客非常多,这些主题很适合Epivoz基于链接的算法新闻收集框架。

