
tech2024-03-29  98

One of my favorite Flickr photostreams is that of Chris Messina, aka “factoryjoe.” Messina, an open source advocate and web consultant who currently works at Vidoop, packs his Flickr photostream not with photos, but with screenshots. Interfaces, applications, web sites, user flows, design patterns — his photostream is an object lesson in web and application design (as well as occasionally a source of scoops on cool new apps or new features).

我最喜欢的Flickr照片流之一是克里斯·墨西拿 ( Chris Messina)的照片 ,又名“ factoryjoe”。 墨西拿(Messina)是一名开源倡导者和网络顾问,目前在Vidoop工作 ,他的Flickr照片流不包含照片,而是包含屏幕截图。 界面,应用程序,网站,用户流程,设计模式-他的照片流是Web和应用程序设计中的对象课程(有时还包括一些关于出色的新应用程序或新功能的独家新闻)。

Thus, ScrnShots, a screenshot sharing community site aimed at web and applications designers, feels something like a public version of Messina’s Flickr feed. Created by Vancouver-based Orange Peel Media, ScrnShots differs from other design showcase sites in that it is less focused on eye candy, and more focused on creating a community atmosphere where designers can share and discuss screenshots of their favorite designs (or works of their own, completed or still in progress). ScrnShots also differs from general photo sharing sites for much the same reason — the focus is on designers sharing and discussing good designs.

因此,针对网络和应用程序设计师的屏幕快照共享社区网站ScrnShots感觉就像是Messina的Flickr feed的公开版本。 ScrnShots由总部位于温哥华的Orange Peel Media创建,与其他设计展示网站不同,它不那么着眼于糖果,而更着眼于营造一种社区氛围,设计师可以在其中共享和讨论他们最喜欢的设计(或他们的作品)的屏幕截图。拥有,已完成或仍在进行中)。 由于同样的原因,ScrnShots也不同于一般的照片共享网站-重点是设计师共享和讨论好的设计。

Designers can upload an unlimited number of screenshots to the site, which can be tagged, grouped, searched, discussed, and even embedded on other sites or blogs (as below):



The site offers desktop tools for Mac and Windows that allow user to take, tag, and upload screenshots from off site. The Rails-powered community also has a public API that lets other apps integrate ScrnShots’ library and functionality.

该站点提供了适用于Mac和Windows的桌面工具 ,允许用户从站点外获取,标记和上传屏幕截图。 受Rails支持的社区还具有一个公共API ,该API可让其他应用程序集成ScrnShots的库和功能。

Co-founders Greg Bell and Derek Kehler told Web Working Daily in May when the site came out of beta that they were looking to more deeply integrate ScrnShots into designers’ workflows. “Design shops have expressed interest in creating private areas for their teams to brainstorm and share screenshots with clients to replace traditional mood-boarding techniques,” they said. They had planned to release a paid PRO version of the site that included private collections last month, but the release appears to have been delayed.

联合创始人Greg Bell和Derek Kehler在5月告诉《网络工作日报》 ( Web Working Daily )时,该网站尚未通过Beta测试,他们希望将ScrnShots更深入地集成到设计师的工作流程中。 他们说:“设计商店已经表示有兴趣为他们的团队创建私人区域,以集思广益并与客户共享屏幕截图,以取代传统的情绪登机方法。” 他们计划在上个月发布该站点的付费PRO版本,其中包括私人收藏,但发布似乎已被推迟。

In general, ScrnShots offers a great place for designers to congregate and share visual inspiration. It is more focused than general photo sharing sites, and has more of a community feel than most design showcase sites. The community is young, but healthy. I counted just over 5800 screen captures on the site, with what looks like hundreds being added each day.

通常,ScrnShots为设计师提供了一个聚集和共享视觉灵感的好地方。 它比一般的图片共享网站更加集中,并且比大多数设计展示网站更具社区感。 社区很年轻,但是很健康。 我在网站上统计了5800多个屏幕截图,每天看起来有数百个。

