
tech2024-03-30  93


According to the latest PubMatic AdPrice Index, average eCPMs across the board are mostly flat. eCPMs across all sites dropped a penny to 0.36 in June. That’s down from 49 cents in March (an NCAA basketball tournament bump?). The hardest hit publisher segment this month were small publishers (under 1 million page views) who saw eCPM averages fall for the second straight month to $0.81 — the lowest eCPM since PubMatic began tracking ad prices in January.

根据最新的PubMatic广告价格指数 , 总体平均eCPM几乎持平。 6月,所有网站的有效每千次展示费用下降了1美分,为0.36。 这比三月份的49美分(NCAA篮球锦标赛的颠簸?)要低。 本月受灾最严重的发布商群体是小型发布商(页面浏览量不到100万),其eCPM平均值连续第二个月下降至0.81美元,这是自1月份PubMatic开始跟踪广告价格以来的最低eCPM。

Over the winter, small publishers were the only segment experiencing growth, but that trend seems to have reversed. Large publishers (over 100 million pages per month) are starting to see modest month-to-month eCPM gains (could Olympic advertising be fueling some of the gains on large sites?), while medium publishers (1-100 million page views) saw the largest jump this month, but have remained mostly flat on the year.

在整个冬季,小型出版商是唯一经历增长的部分,但这种趋势似乎已经逆转。 大型发布商(每月超过1亿页)开始看到每月有效eCPM增长(奥运会广告能否推动大型网站的某些收益增长?),而中型发布商(每月浏览量为1亿至1亿页)本月涨幅最大,但与去年基本持平。

Of the 5 verticals that PubMatic tracks — social networks, gaming, technology, entertainment, and news — only entertainment saw month-over-month gains. News and gaming, traditionally the best performing verticals in the index, saw the most significant drops.

在PubMatic跟踪的5个垂直行业(社交网络,游戏,技术,娱乐和新闻)中,只有娱乐获得了逐月增长。 新闻和游戏,传统上是指数中表现最好的垂直行业,跌幅最大。

PubMatic published the following key findings with their June index:


On average, Web site monetization decreased by less than one percent from $0.37 in May to $0.36 in June. *(Pricing data reflects net publisher monetization via ad networks and excludes ad networks’ share of ad spends as well as inventory sold directly by publishers to ad agencies or advertisers).

平均而言,网站获利从5月份的0.37美元下降到6月份的0.36美元,下降了不到百分之一。 *(定价数据反映了发布商通过广告网络的净收入,不包括广告网络在广告支出中所占的份额以及发布商直接出售给广告代理商或广告商的广告资源)。 By size, small size Web sites had the largest drop to $0.81 in June, down from $1.13 in May.

从规模上看,小型网站的跌幅最大,6月份为0.81美元,低于5月份的1.13美元。 By vertical, News and Gaming had significant drops, sliding $0.62 and $0.20, respectively.

从纵向看,News和Gaming分别下跌0.62美元和0.20美元。 Entertainment showed the only increase jumping $0.11 from $0.29 in May to $0.40 in June.


As Don Dodge notes, at the average eCPM of $0.36 that PubMatic is seeing, it would take about 2.8 billion page views to make $1 million from CPM ads. At the $0.27 eCPM in the dismally performing social networking category it would take 3.7 billion page views. These numbers indicate that making money from ads is a big volume game.

正如Don Dodge所指出的那样 ,PubMatic看到的平均eCPM为0.36美元,那么从CPM广告中获得100万美元的收入大约需要28亿次页面浏览。 如果eCPM在表现不佳的社交网络类别中为0.27美元,则其页面浏览量将达到37亿。 这些数字表明,通过广告赚钱是一个大游戏。

Our question to you: has your experience been in line with what PubMatic is reporting? For small publishers, have you been hit hard this summer? Let us know in the comments below.

我们对您的问题:您的经历是否与PubMatic报告的内容一致? 对于小型出版商,今年夏天您受到重创吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/report-small-publishers-see-ecpms-drop/

