
tech2024-03-30  89


Something a bit different to start off this week: Daemon, the people behind the FarCry CMS/framework, the Fullasagoog RSS aggregator (where much of the material for this column is found) and the WebDU conference, are attempting to get the FarCry codebase into the Google Summer of Code program. If successful, it will be the first ColdFusion project sponsored by the program. The Daemonite team are asking for help to spread the word and find students who wish to participate.

本周开始会有一些不同:Daemon,FarCry CMS /框架的幕后工作人员,Fullasagoog RSS聚合器(可在本专栏找到很多内容)和WebDU会议 ,试图将FarCry代码库纳入Google Summer of Code计划 。 如果成功,它将是该计划发起的第一个ColdFusion项目。 守护程序团队正在寻求帮助以传播信息并找到希望参加的学生。

The first ColdFusion 8 updater is in the final stages of testing, and one of the big features of the release is support for 64 bit platform support. This week Ben Forta revealed the platforms that will have full 64 bit support. While still in the official Adobe feeds, a new ColdFusion Developer Centre article has been published, on customising the Eclipse IDE for CF development. And while we’re talking about Eclipse, which is the IDE of choice for many CF developers, the MXUnit Eclipse plugin has been released, for users of the MXUnit unit testing framework.

第一个ColdFusion 8更新程序处于测试的最后阶段,该版本的主要功能之一是支持64位平台。 本周, 本·福塔(Ben Forta)透露了将完全支持64位的平台 。 尽管仍在官方的Adobe feed中,但已发布了新的ColdFusion开发人员中心文章,内容涉及为CF开发定制Eclipse IDE 。 在讨论Eclipse(许多CF开发人员选择的IDE)的同时, MXUnit Eclipse插件已经发布,面向MXUnit单元测试框架的用户。

Brian’s weekly ColdFusion Open-Source Update included three new projects. Particularly interesting is ColdFISH, a CFML syntax highlighting library. Joshua Cyr posted an example of applying ColdFISH in BlogCFC.

Brian的每周ColdFusion开源更新包括三个新项目。 特别有趣的是ColdFISH,它是CFML语法突出显示库 。 Joshua Cyr发表了在BlogCFC中应用ColdFISH的示例 。

A lot of cool CFGRID information was discussed this week. Dan Vega wrote a post on adding context menus to grids in CF8 – then took it further by adding a CFWINDOW to create an edit form without leaving the page. That’s slick! Ray Camden published a how-to post on putting an “add” button into a CFGRID, to create a new row and publish it to the database – then followed it up with a second post which included all the source code for the full example. Combine those two techniques and you’ll have the basis of a very tidy data editing interface, and all with a minimum of code.

本周讨论了很多很棒的CFGRID信息。 Dan Vega撰写了一篇文章,内容涉及在CF8中为网格添加上下文菜单 -然后通过添加CFWINDOW来创建编辑表单而不离开页面,从而进一步完善了它。 真滑! 雷·卡姆登(Ray Camden)发表了一篇关于如何在CFGRID中放置“添加”按钮 ,如何创建新行并将其发布到数据库的方法文章,随后又发表了第二篇文章,其中包括了完整示例的所有源代码 。 结合这两种技术,您将获得一个非常整洁的数据编辑界面的基础,并且全部都需要最少的代码。

However, Ajax is not the answer to everything! Ray Camden explains why file upload is not possible using CF8’s built-in Ajax features, and links to a demo of a workaround that uses jQuery. Another cool Ajax tip was posted by Brian Rinaldi, on creating multiple related select boxes using CF8’s CFAjaxProxy tag.

但是,Ajax并不能解决所有问题! Ray Camden解释了为什么无法使用CF8的内置Ajax功能上传文件 ,并链接到使用jQuery的变通方法演示。 Brian Rinaldi发表了另一个很酷的Ajax技巧,内容涉及使用CF8的CFAjaxProxy标签创建多个相关的选择框 。

That’s it for this week – as always, if you have any tips for me, leave a comment or tag links in with for:kay.smoljak and I’ll see them.



