
tech2024-03-30  99


A Belgian ISP, SA Scarlet, has told a court in the country that it cannot feasibly stop illegal file sharing following a 2007 court order that it must block or filter copyright infringing files from being traded on its network. The ISP tried both slowing P2P traffic and filtering it before eventually coming to the conclusion that the court’s demand was unworkable.

比利时ISP SA Scarlet已向该国法院表示,在2007年法院命令其必须阻止或过滤侵犯版权文件在其网络上交易之后,它无法切实停止非法文件共享。 ISP试图减慢P2P流量并对其进行过滤,然后才最终得出法院的要求不可行的结论。

For every day that Scarlet doesn’t filter or remove illegal P2P traffic from its network, the company has to pay 2,500 Euros in compensation according to the 2007 court verdict, reports TorrentFreak. That makes convincing the court that filtering all illegal content is infeasible an important proposition from the company.

据TorrentFreak报道 ,根据2007年法院的判决,Scarlet每天不过滤或删除非法P2P流量的公司必须支付2500欧元的赔偿金。 这使得说服法院说,过滤所有非法内容是不可行的,这是公司的一项重要主张。

ZDNet in Belgium reports that Scarlet has refused to block all P2P traffic, since that would negatively affect legitimate traffic as well as copyright infringing file sharing. Initially, Scarlet attempted to slow peer-to-peer traffic on its network, but all that did was lead to customer complaints. Illegal files were still widely available, it just took longer get them.

比利时的ZDNet报告称,Scarlet已拒绝阻止所有 P2P流量,因为这会对合法流量以及侵犯版权的文件共享产生负面影响。 最初,Scarlet尝试减慢其网络上的对等流量,但是所有这些都导致了客户投诉。 非法文件仍然广泛存在,只是花了更长的时间才得到它们。

Next, the ISP attempted to filter out illegal traffic using software from Audible Magic, after being ordered to do so by a court appointed P2P “expert.” However, according to Scarlet, the software didn’t actually work and failed to filter illegal files.

接下来,ISP被法院指定的P2P“专家”下令,试图使用Audible Magic的软件过滤掉非法流量。 但是,据Scarlet称,该软件实际上并未运行,并且无法过滤非法文件。

According to TorrentFreak, Scarlet’s initial response to the 2007 ruling was to make the claim that filtering P2P traffic would be illegal under Belgian law, which the ISP says doesn’t allow it to spy on customers.


Clearly, filtering and traffic throttling don’t work and really just end up aggravating customers. The better solution for copyright groups, such as SABAM in Belgium, or the RIAA, MPAA, and ASCAP, and for content publishers would be address the underlying reasons why people pirate content. As we reported in August, some of those reasons include high cost (people want to pay less), poor quality (people only want to pay for high quality products), DRM (people don’t want it), and ease of distribution (P2P is easier than going to a store). You can’t litigate solutions to any of those issues.

显然,过滤和流量限制是行不通的,实际上最终只会加剧客户。 对于版权组织(例如比利时的SABAM或RIAA,MPAA和ASCAP)以及内容发布者而言,更好的解决方案是解决人们盗版内容的根本原因 。 正如我们在8月份所报道的那样,其中一些原因包括高成本(人们希望少付一些钱),质量差(人们只想为高质量的产品付钱),DRM(人们不想要这种东西)以及易于分发( P2P比去商店容易。 您无法针对任何这些问题提出解决方案。


