
tech2024-03-30  81




Because that’s just the kind of guy he is, Charlie Arehart keeps a massive list of tools and resource of interest to ColdFusion developers – over 700 resources in over 100 categories. This week Charlie highlights the categories in his mammoth link collection. Come back when you’re through all that!

因为他就是那种人,所以Charlie Arehart保留了ColdFusion开发人员感兴趣的大量工具和资源列表-100多个类别中的700多个资源。 查理本周重点展示了他庞大的链接收集中的类别 。 当您经历了所有这些之后再回来!

Subscribers to MXNA, the RSS feed aggregator for Adobe-related technologies, may have noticed that the site has been down quite a bit lately. Mike Chambers, one of the originators of the project, has posted an update to his blog on what is happening with MXNA. Looks like it will be back sometime soon.

MXNA(用于Adobe相关技术的RSS提要聚合器)的订户可能已经注意到,该站点最近已经关闭了很多。 该项目的发起人之一Mike Chambers已在其博客上发布了MXNA的最新动态 。 看起来很快就会回来。

In the only BlueDragon news I saw this week, the final instalment of the BlueDragon Open Source interview series – with Andy Wu – was released. That wraps up the introductions to the steering committee – they’re a smart and well-qualified bunch of people for sure.

在本周我看到的唯一BlueDragon新闻中,发布了与Dr.Andy Wu合作的BlueDragon开源采访系列的最后一部分。 总结了指导委员会的介绍-他们肯定是一群聪明而又合格的人。

Ben Forta has blogged his response to an enquiry from a ColdFusion developer from the CF3-CF5 era, who was wondering what he needed to learn to get up to speed with the current state of ColdFusion. Ben’s advice is interesting and applies equally well to any developer looking to improve their skills.

Ben Forta在博客中回应了CF3-CF5时代的ColdFusion开发人员的询问 ,他在想知道他需要学习什么以适应最新的ColdFusion状态。 Ben的建议很有趣,并且同样适用于希望提高技能的任何开发人员。


Simon Horwith clears up what is a thorny area for many developers with CFLOCK Explained. It’s a long article, with code samples, and Simon does a really good job in covering the intricacies of locking. One for the bookmarks! Also in the “more advanced” category, Charlie Arehart revisits the topic of CF/Java integration – a powerful but often overlooked aspect of ColdFusion.

Simon Horwith用CFLOCK Explained清理了许多开发人员的难题。 这是一篇很长的文章,包含代码示例,Simon在涵盖复杂的锁定方面做得非常好。 一个为书签! 同样在“更高级”类别中,Charlie Arehart重温了CF / Java集成的主题-ColdFusion的强大但经常被忽视的方面。

The Transfer ORM project has reached the very exciting milestone of 1.0 Release Candidate. A recorded Adobe Connect session by author Mark Mandel on an Introduction to Transfer is now available – but Mark advises that it’s the same presentation he will be giving at the cf.Objective() conference, so if you’re planning to get along to that you might not want to watch. And Paul Marcotte has posted a Transfer ORM Quickstart article, for those who don’t have the patience to watch the presentation.

Transfer ORM项目已达到1.0 Release Candidate的非常激动人心的里程碑 。 由作家马克·曼德尔(Mark Mandel)在“转移简介”上录制的Adobe Connect会话现在可用–但是马克建议,这与他将在cf.Objective()会议上进行的演讲相同,因此,如果您打算对此进行讨论,您可能不想看。 Paul Marcotte还为那些没有耐心观看演示文稿的人发布了Transfer ORM Quickstart文章。

Short but handy:


ColdFusion Jedi Raymond Camden has posted a quick but very helpful tip for anyone working with the SlideShare API: the hashed secret key must be lowercase

ColdFusion Jedi Raymond Camden 向使用SlideShare API的任何人发布了一个快速但非常有用的技巧:哈希密钥必须小写

Ben Nadel outlines how to create a “remember me” login system in ColdFusion

Ben Nadel概述了如何在ColdFusion中创建“记住我”登录系统

A new beta version 0.7 of ColdFusion on Wheels has been released. Hat tip to Ben Forta, who describes the project as “a CF community response to Ruby on Rails”

车轮上的ColdFusion的新beta版本0.7已发布。 向本·福塔 ( Ben Forta)讲的技巧,他将该项目描述为“ CF社区对Ruby on Rails的回应”

Regular updates


Brian Rinaldi’s Open Source Update this week highlights two new releases – a library for the Google AdWords API and CFANT, a deployment tool from Doug Hughes – and seven project updates.

Brian Rinaldi本周的开源更新重点介绍了两个新版本-Google AdWords API和CFANT的库, Doug Hughes的部署工具 -以及七个项目更新。

My ColdFusion-Talk Mailing List Roundup for this week covers search-engine friendly URLs, screen scraping, database indexes, application scoped variable overhead, database structure diagrams, and browser redirect and refresh methods.


So that’s all, folks. Leave a comment or send me an email – kay at smoljak dot com – with your tips or suggestions.

就是这样,伙计们。 发表评论或给我发送电子邮件-可以在smoljak dot com上找到,并提供您的提示或建议。


