
tech2024-03-30  99


After a long beta cycle, ColdFusion 8.0.1 is now available!

经过漫长的测试周期, 现在可以使用ColdFusion 8.0.1!

The updater incorporates a heap of fixes and enhancements which you can read about in the release notes (PDF) and FAQ. Notably, 64-bit support has been added to almost every platform – a feature that many organisations were waiting for – and JDK support has been upgraded to Sun Java SE JDK 6 Update 3, version 1.6.0_03.

该更新程序包含大量的修补程序和增强功能,您可以在发行说明(PDF)和FAQ中 阅读这些更新和增强功能。 值得注意的是,几乎每个平台都已添加了64位支持-许多组织正在等待该功能-并且JDK支持已升级到Sun Java SE JDK 6 Update 3,版本1.6.0_03。

The third party libraries from Yahoo, ExtJS and FCKEditor have been updated, so the built in Ajax components now support the Webkit/Safari browser. In terms of the core language, the AttributeCollection attribute has been extended, as has structure and array creation syntax, and there are numerous updates to cfdocument, cfexchangecalendar, cfexecute, cfftp, cfimage, cfmail, and cfpdf as well as over 100 bug fixes, including quite a few to ColdFusion Report Builder.

Yahoo,ExtJS和FCKEditor的第三方库已更新,因此内置的Ajax组件现在支持Webkit / Safari浏览器。 在核心语言方面,AttributeCollection属性得到了扩展,具有结构和数组创建语法,并且对cfdocument,cfexchangecalendar,cfexecute,cfftp,cfimage,cfmail和cfpdf进行了大量更新,并修复了100多个错误,包括大量ColdFusion Report Builder。

So what are you waiting for – go get it already :)

所以,您还等什么– 快点开始吧 :)


