对Microsoft Office的真正威胁:也许不是Web Apps

tech2024-03-31  93

A lot of fuss was made recently when Google added footnotes to its Docs web app. Not because the ability to add footnotes is such a killer feature — Microsoft Word has had it for as long as probably anyone can remember — nor because it represented any great feat of engineering. Rather, the most impressive aspect of the new footnote feature in Google Docs was the timing of its addition.

最近,当Google在其Docs网络应用中添加脚注时 ,引起了很多大惊小怪。 并不是因为添加脚注的功能是这样的杀手级功能(Microsoft Word拥有它的时间很长,也许任何人都可以记住),也不是因为它代表了任何出色的工程技术。 相反,Google文档中新脚注功能最令人印象深刻的方面是其添加时间。

According to Garett Rogers, who write the Googling Google blog for ZDNet, the Mountain View-based company added footnotes to their web application just two days after Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer characterized Docs as a non-threat. “You can’t even put a footnote in a document,” he said.

据为ZDNet撰写Google谷歌搜索博客的加里特·罗杰斯 ( Garett Rogers)称 ,仅在微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)将Docs视为非威胁文件的两天后,这家位于山景城的公司便在其网络应用程序中添加了脚注。 他说:“您甚至不能在文档中添加脚注。”

It wasn’t the actual feature, so much as Google’s demonstrated agility in adding it that was impressive. “The agility, and horsepower that Google has behind it is something that companies — even Microsoft — should be wary of, and definitely shouldn’t take lightly,” says Rogers.

这并不是真正的功能,就象Google在添加功能方面展示出的敏捷性一样令人印象深刻。 罗杰斯说:“谷歌背后的敏捷性和强大能力是公司,甚至微软公司都应该警惕的,绝对不能掉以轻心。”

However, for all that, Google still has yet to do much more than take a nibble at Microsoft’s dominant office application market share. According to Microsoft, there are a whopping 550 million users of Microsoft Office around the world. Google Docs, meanwhile, only attracts a paltry 1.3 million visitors per month according to Quantcast.

但是,尽管如此,Google仍然要做的事情还不止是蚕食Microsoft在办公软件市场上的主导地位。 据微软称,全球有多达5.5亿的Microsoft Office用户。 同时, 根据Quantcast的数据 ,Google Docs每月仅吸引微不足道的130万访问者。

Clearly, Google has a lot of work to do before it can undo the stranglehold that Microsoft has on the office software market. So where is the real greatest threat to Microsoft’s cash cow?

显然,在消除微软在办公软件市场上的束缚之前,谷歌有很多工作要做。 那么,对微软摇钱树真正最大的威胁在哪里呢?

It might just be in desktop software from the open source world. Specifically, OpenOffice.org, which shipped a major version upgrade this month. In the first week since shipping version 3, OpenOffice.org was downloaded 3 million times. That’s still a drop in the bucket compared to Microsoft Office’s supposed user numbers, but what might be most potentially worrisome for Microsoft is that 80% of downloaders were Windows users. That indicates that Windows users are open to alternatives to Microsoft software (especially if they’re free).

它可能只是来自开源世界的桌面软件中。 具体来说, OpenOffice.org于本月发布了主要版本升级。 自发布版本3以来的第一周,OpenOffice.org被下载了300万次 。 与Microsoft Office假定的用户数量相比,这仍然是一笔不小的数目,但是对于Microsoft而言,最令人担忧的是80%的下载者是Windows用户。 这表明Windows用户对Mi​​crosoft软件的替代产品持开放态度(尤其是免费的)。

OpenOffice.org head of marketing John McCreesh thinks that those numbers are actually undercounting Linux users, who usually get updates via their vendor. He guesses there might actually 5 million installed copies out there right now of the latest version of OpenOffice.org.

OpenOffice.org市场主管John McCreesh认为,这些数字实际上低估了Linux用户,后者通常是通过供应商获得更新的。 他猜测,现在可能实际上已经有500万份最新版本的OpenOffice.org 安装副本 。

“[In 2004] we aimed to have a 40% market share by 2010. That doesn’t seem as ambitious today as it did four years ago,” says McCreesh. Well, if Microsoft’s numbers are accurate, that actually does seem pretty ambitious. But the numbers so far indicate that the greatest threat to Microsoft’s office software dominance might come from open source desktop software, and not from the cloud and Google.

“(到2004年,我们的目标是到2010年达到40%的市场份额。如今,这看起来并不像四年前那样雄心勃勃,” McCreesh说。 好吧,如果微软的数字是准确的,那实际上看起来确实很雄心勃勃。 但是到目前为止的数字表明,对微软办公软件霸主地位的最大威胁可能来自开源桌面软件,而不是云和谷歌。

One thing is certain: Microsoft is starting to feel pressure from all sides.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-real-threat-to-microsoft-office-maybe-not-web-apps/

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