
tech2024-03-31  92

When Facebook began to offer lifestreaming from outside services in April and May, and last month rolled out their newly designed profile and News Feed pages, some called it “FriendFeedization.” Or, to put it more bluntly, Facebook is slowly but surely taking FriendFeed mainstream … they’re just doing it without FriendFeed.

当Facebook在4月和5月开始从外部服务提供生命流服务时,以及上个月推出了他们新设计的个人资料和News Feed页面时,有人将其称为“ FriendFeedization” 。 或者,坦率地说,Facebook正在缓慢但肯定地使FriendFeed成为主流……他们只是在没有FriendFeed的情况下这样做。

Today, Facebook is taking broader steps onto FriendFeed’s turf by adding better filters to the site’s News Feed.

如今,Facebook通过在网站的新闻源中添加更好的过滤器 ,正在采取更广泛的措施来吸引FriendFeed的地盘。

When FriendFeed burst on the scene last March, it prompted some to wonder if it solved a problem or merely highlighted one. FriendFeed is great at bringing together all the disparate pieces of our online activity and that of our friends, but it doesn’t help us cope with all that information any better — in fact, by adding a new layer of conversation around our online streams, it might actually contribute to information overload. Dealing with information overload isn’t just about organizing the data, but also about cutting it down to size.

去年三月,当FriendFeed出现在现场时,它促使一些人怀疑它是解决了一个问题还是只是突出了一个问题。 FriendFeed擅长将我们在线活动中所有不同的部分以及我们的朋友们聚集在一起,但是它并不能帮助我们更好地处理所有这些信息-实际上,通过围绕在线流添加新的对话层,它实际上可能导致信息过载。 处理信息过载不仅涉及组织数据,还涉及缩减规模。

As Fred Oliveira wrote last March, “Friendfeed needs filtering. If I already have Twitteriffic on, It makes sense to be able to filter out all Twitter bits from my friendfeed. If I’m in the mood for checking out photos from friends, I may want to see only photos on my friendfeed. If I’m looking for what my friends have been listening to on Last.fm, I might want to see only that.”

正如Fred Oliveira去年三月写道: “ Friendfeed 需要过滤。 如果我已经启用Twitteriffic,则可以从我的Friendfeed中过滤掉所有Twitter位是有意义的。 如果我想查看朋友的照片,我可能只想在我的feed中查看照片。 如果我正在寻找我的朋友在Last.fm上一直在听的内容,我可能只想看看。”

Better filters on Facebook is something that users have been calling for there as well. Today’s improvements are a tiny step in that direction. The new filtering options will allow the News Feed to be filtered by application — to see only news stories related to specific apps — and by friend groups. News Feeds on the new profile design could already be filtered by “Top Stories,” “Status Updates,” “Photos,” and “Posted Items.”

用户也一直要求在Facebook上使用更好的过滤器。 今天的改进是朝这个方向迈出的一小步。 新的过滤选项将允许按应用程序(仅查看与特定应用程序有关的新闻报导)和好友组对新闻摘要进行过滤。 有关新配置文件设计的新闻提要,已经可以通过“热门故事”,“状态更新”,“照片”和“发布的项目”进行过滤。

The additional filters give users that much more control over how much data they are exposed to and how that data is reaching them. In February, Sean Ammirati asked for three other data points on Facebook’s filters that we’d also love to see (especially #2):

附加的过滤器使用户可以更好地控制他们所接触的数据量以及这些数据如何到达它们。 今年2月, 肖恩·阿米拉蒂 ( Sean Ammirati)在我们同样希望看到的Facebook过滤器上要求另外三个数据点(尤其是第二个):

see all my friend’s actions that could have shown up in my feed

查看我的Feed中可能显示的我朋友的所有动作 apply my own filters to the feed

将我自己的过滤器应用于Feed understand why one specific item was delivered to my feed


That said, by continuing to improve the News Feed with support for additional external services, and better filters, Facebook is continuing on their path toward becoming the mainstream everything. From photosharing, to messaging, to bookmarking, and lifestreaming, Facebook is starting to look like it was built to funnel all of the coolest Web 2.0 services to its massive mainstream audience.

话虽如此,通过继续通过支持其他外部服务和更好的筛选器来改进News Feed,Facebook正在继续成为所有事物的主流 。 从照片共享,消息传递,书签制作和生活流传,Facebook开始看起来像是将所有最酷的Web 2.0服务汇集到其广大的主流受众手中。

We’d expect Facebook to continue adding filtering and feature enhancements in the coming months.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-encroaches-further-on-friendfeeds-turf/
