
tech2024-03-31  86


Via our friends at ReadWriteWeb, Mozilla is reporting that for the first time ever Firefox has broken 20% market share worldwide according to Net Applications. Two out of the four weeks in the month of October, Net Applications put Firefox market share at 20% or more, which is the first time that has happened. Firefox should be solidly above the 20% threshold in the next quarterly report from Net Applications — they were at 19.48% last quarter, and have gained at least a percentage point each of the last four quarters.

通过我们在ReadWriteWeb上的朋友,Mozilla报告说,根据Net Applications, Firefox有史以来第一次在全球范围内打破了20%的市场份额 。 在十月份的四个星期中,有两个星期,Net Applications将Firefox的市场份额提高到20%或以上,这是第一次。 Firefox 应该在Net Applications的下一个季度报告中稳步高于20%的门槛-上一季度为Firefox的19.48%,并且在最近四个季度中每个季度都至少增长了一个百分点。

On almost all browser usage reports, Firefox has been inching toward 20% market share over the past year. TheCounter.com has Firefox at 18% last quarter, as does ADTECH for their Q1 2008 report, for example.

在几乎所有浏览器使用情况报告中 ,Firefox在过去的一年中一直在向20%的市场份额迈进。 TheCounter.com上季度的Firefox占18%,例如ADTECH在其2008年第一季度报告中也是如此。

Firefox actually does even better in some global market share reports. W3Counter’s global stats, a report from a company owned by longtime SitePoint forum member Dan Grossman, has reported Firefox at over 20% since May 2007, and over 30% the past three months. And French service XiTi Monitor reports Firefox usage steadily over 30% for the past half year.

在某些全球市场份额报告中,Firefox实际上表现甚至更好。 W3Counter的全球统计数据是SitePoint论坛长期会员Dan Grossman所拥有的公司的报告,该报告称Firefox自2007年5月以来已超过20%,在过去三个月中已超过30%。 法国服务XiTi Monitor报告说 ,过去半年中Firefox使用率稳定超过30%。

Regardless of which stats you trust, the picture is rosy for Firefox. Unlike Safari and Opera usage — which has generally remained flat across all usage reports (though Net Applications shows some growth for Safari the past couple of years), Firefox has continued rapid growth since its debut four years ago. Among early adopters, that use is even higher. Power user targeted sites generally have a higher concentration of Firefox users.

无论您信任哪个统计数据,对于Firefox来说,情况都是乐观的。 与Safari和Opera的使用情况不同(后者在所有使用情况报告中通常保持不变)(尽管Net Applications在过去几年中对Safari有所增长),但自四年前首次亮相以来,Firefox一直保持快速增长。 在早期采用者中,使用率更高。 面向高级用户的网站通常具有较高的Firefox用户集中度。

SitePoint, for example, gets over 50% of our visits from users browsing with Firefox (3.03 being the most popular version). ReadWriteWeb reports 55%, and my Rails Forum site sees over 68% Firefox usage.

例如,SitePoint从使用Firefox浏览器(3.03是最受欢迎的版本)的用户中获得了超过50%的访问量。 ReadWriteWeb报告占55%,我的Rails论坛站点看到Firefox使用率超过68%。

It will be interesting to see how Google’s new Chrome browser (our coverage) impacts Firefox’s growth. It’s really too early to tell, but so far it hasn’t seemed to impact the usage share growth of Firefox very much, despite early stats showing that it was taking users away from Firefox (likely just a novelty effect). Usage has stabilized at just over 3% for Chrome at SitePoint, and seems to be at anywhere from 0.25% to 1% worldwide depending on who you trust.

看看Google新型的Chrome浏览器( 我们的报道 )如何影响Firefox的增长将会很有趣。 现在说这还为时过早,但是到目前为止,尽管早期统计数据表明它正在使用户脱离Firefox(可能只是一种新颖的效果),但它似乎并未对Firefox的使用份额增长产生太大影响。 Chrome在SitePoint上的使用率稳定在3%以上,而根据您信任的人,全球的使用率似乎在0.25%至1%之间。

So congrats to Firefox for reaching the 20% threshold. Here’s to continued growth.

因此,祝贺Firefox达到20%的门槛。 这就是持续增长。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-hits-20-browser-market-share-worldwide/

