
tech2024-03-31  98


Remember Facebook Beacon? Last November, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg called it a “completely new way of advertising online” at the exclusive, super-hyped, invite-only launch event in New York City. But just a month later, he was issuing a mea culpa. “We’ve made a lot of mistakes building this feature, but we’ve made even more with how we’ve handled them. We simply did a bad job with this release, and I apologize for it,” he wrote on the company’s blog. The problem? Badly botched privacy controls that made users feel like they were being tricked into exposing their purchasing habits to their friends and networks and becoming marketers without agreeing to it.

还记得Facebook信标吗? 去年11月,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在纽约举行的独家,超级炒作,仅限邀请发布会上称其为“在线广告的全新方式”。 但是仅仅一个月后,他发布了一份Mea culpa。 “在构建此功能时,我们犯了很多错误,但是在处理这些功能方面,我们付出了更多。 他在公司博客上写道:“我们对这个版本做得很糟糕,对此我深表歉意。” 问题? 糟糕的隐私控制措施使用户感到被欺骗,向他们的朋友和网络展示他们的购买习惯,并在不同意他们的情况下成为了营销人员。

The idea behind Beacon was sound: if you can get people to promote the products they already buy to their friends, those endorsements will be more effective than regular advertising because they’re coming from a trusted source. Unfortunately for Zuckerberg and Facebook, the implementation left a lot to be desired and it was named as one of the biggest tech flubs of 2007 by ReadWriteWeb.

Beacon背后的想法很明确:如果您可以让人们向他们的朋友宣传他们已经购买的产品,那么这些认可将比常规广告更有效,因为它们来自可信赖的来源。 不幸的是,对于扎克伯格和Facebook而言,该实施尚有许多不足之处,它被ReadWriteWeb 评为2007年最大的技术荒谬之一 。

Today, Facebook announced the release of Facebook Connect, a way to share identity and social graph information securely with third party sites and bring third-party data back into Facebook. In a lot of ways, Facebook Connect is a better Beacon.

今天,Facebook宣布发布Facebook Connect,这是一种与第三方站点安全共享身份和社交图信息并将第三方数据重新带回Facebook的方法。 在许多方面,Facebook Connect都是更好的灯塔。

信标有什么问题 (What Was Wrong About Beacon)

Facebook’s Beacon, as originally conceived, was something like one-way data portability. It sucked data in from third party sites, but didn’t let anything flow back out. It also only let data flow in from partner sites that were participating in the Beacon program. By not being open to other sites, Facebook limited the usefulness of Beacon for users so it felt more like spam than a worthwhile feature.

按照最初的设想,Facebook的Beacon就像单向数据可移植性一样。 它从第三方站点吸收了数据,但没有让任何东西流出。 它还仅允许数据从参与Beacon计划的合作伙伴站点流入。 由于不向其他网站开放,Facebook限制了Beacon对用户的实用性,因此它更像是垃圾邮件,而不是有价值的功能。

The biggest issue with Beacon, however, was the poor privacy controls. Beacon took a shoot first, ask questions later approach. Initially, rather than let users opt-in to Beacon, anyone who was logged into Facebook while browsing a Beacon-enabled site would find their information shared back to Facebook automatically. Users were asked to give permission for information to be shared the next time they logged into Facebook, but some people complained that the warnings were easy to miss. Asking users to complete extra steps to keep private information from being shared is not a good practice anyway.

但是,Beacon的最大问题是隐私控制不力。 信标先拍摄,然后再提问。 最初,不是让用户选择加入Beacon,而是在浏览启用Beacon的网站时登录Facebook的任何人都会发现自己的信息会自动共享回Facebook。 要求用户在下次登录Facebook时授予信息共享权限,但有些人抱怨这些警告很容易遗漏。 无论如何,要求用户完成额外的步骤以防止共享私人信息不是一个好习惯。

Connect的正确之处 (What’s Right About Connect)

Facebook Connect, which was revealed today at the F8 Developers Conference in San Francisco, addresses both of the main problems with Beacon.

今天在旧金山举行的F8开发者大会上披露的Facebook Connect解决了Beacon的两个主要问题。

Connect basiscally extends the Facebook platform outside of the social network’s walls, allowing third-party sites access to Facebook user and social graph data. What makes Connect reminiscent of Beacon, is that user activity on those sites can also be fed back into Facebook via the news feed.

Connect基本上将Facebook平台扩展到了社交网络之外,允许第​​三方站点访问Facebook用户和社交图数据。 Connect使人联想到Beacon的原因在于,这些站点上的用户活动也可以通过新闻源反馈到Facebook。

Facebook Connect Features via official press release:

通过官方新闻稿的Facebook Connect功能:

Trusted Authentication – easily authenticate into partner sites using their Facebook account

可信身份验证–使用其Facebook帐户轻松地对合作伙伴站点进行身份验证 Real Identity – leverage their real identity across the Web in a trusted environment

真实身份–在受信任的环境中利用Web上的真实身份 Friend Linking – take their friends with them wherever they go, enabling trusted social context anywhere on the Web

朋友链接–无论他们走到哪里,都可以带他们的朋友,在Web上的任何地方启用受信任的社交环境 Dynamic Privacy – assurance that the same privacy settings users have set up on Facebook will follow them wherever they decide to login throughout the Web

动态隐私–确保用户在Facebook上设置的相同隐私设置将在他们决定登录整个Web的任何地方都将遵循它们 Social Distribution – share actions on partner sites with their friends back on Facebook through feeds


By introducing user controlled privacy settings from the start and allowing any site to tap into Facebook’s user base via Connect, Facebook has created the version of Beacon that they should have launched last fall. The result for third parties is still the same, but users are more apt to get on board because they’ll be in control of how and if their information is shared back to Facebook and on outside sites. Further, developers have the option to extend the Facebook social experience for users to sites outside of Facebook.

通过从一开始就引入用户控制的隐私设置,并允许任何站点通过Connect进入Facebook的用户群,Facebook创建了应该在去年秋天启动的Beacon版本。 第三方的结果仍然是相同的,但是用户更容易加入,因为他们将控制如何以及是否将其信息共享回Facebook和外部网站。 此外,开发人员可以选择将用户的Facebook社交体验扩展到Facebook以外的网站。

For Facebook, Connect differs widely from Beacon since it is not an advertising program — Facebook doesn’t make any money when a user’s activity on a third party site is shown in the news feed. However, Facebook realizes that the more people and web sites that come to rely on their API, the more they will become deeply ingrained in our web habits and experience, and that will put them in a better position to make money.

对于Facebook,Connect与Beacon区别很大,因为它不是广告程序-当新闻源中显示用户在第三方站点上的活动时,Facebook不会赚钱。 但是,Facebook意识到,越来越多的人和网站依赖于他们的API,他们对我们的网络习惯和经验的了解就会更加根深蒂固,这将使他们处于更有利可图的位置。

Facebook Connect will be available to all users this fall.

Facebook Connect将于今年秋天向所有用户开放。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-connect-is-beacon-done-right/

