photoshop pdf

tech2024-03-31  90

photoshop pdf

With thanks to 99designs, we’re very pleased to announce that for the next 30 days our book, The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques, is free to download (normally worth $29.95).

感谢99designs ,我们非常高兴地宣布,在接下来的30天里,我们的书《 The Photoshop Anthology:101 Web设计技巧,窍门和技巧 》可以免费下载(通常价值29.95美元)。

That’s right, the entire 278 page book, yours to keep, forever!


The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques is the ultimate Photoshop compendium for web designers.


It’s brimming with tried and tested real-world Photoshop solutions that will add impact to your next web design project. If you’ve ever been stuck for inspiration, have puzzled over just how to create a shiny aqua-style button, or wanted to create that seamlessly tiling background image you saw on a site recently, you need to download this book.

久经考验的真实世界Photoshop解决方案不胜枚举,将为您的下一个Web设计项目增加影响。 如果您一直在寻求灵感,或者对如何创建闪亮的浅绿色按钮感到困惑,或者想创建您最近在网站上看到的无缝平铺背景图像,则需要下载本书。

Download it now!


This book is free to download thanks to the generous support of 99designs. If you’re looking for a place to give your new-found Photoshop skills a run, why not earn some extra cash along the way?

由于99designs的大力支持,该书可免费下载。 如果您正在寻找一个可以让您新掌握的Photoshop技能运行的地方,那么为什么不一路赚钱呢?

The team at 99designs are giving away a shiny new MacBook for the best logo design or web design, so be sure to check them out.

99designs的团队会赠送闪亮的新型MacBook,以提供最佳徽标设计或网页设计 ,因此请务必将其检出。


photoshop pdf
