
tech2024-03-31  103


New RSS filtering site FeedScrub launches today in private beta. 500 SitePoint readers can join the beta by using the invite code ‘sitepoint

新的RSS过滤站点FeedScrub今天在私人Beta版中启动。 500个SitePoint读者可以使用邀请代码“ sitepoint ”加入测试版

FeedScrub, which is initially targeting bloggers and other high volume consumers of RSS, uses an adaptive filter that learns as you read and filters RSS feeds based on your input. Many current RSS filters use keyword lists to filter out (or in) content, but FeedScrub works more like a spam filter, learning about the content that you do like, and removing content that you’ve indicated you don’t like.

FeedScrub最初是针对博客作者和RSS的其他大量消费者的,它使用自适应过滤器,该过滤器会在您阅读时学习,并根据您的输入过滤RSS提要。 当前许多RSS过滤器都使用关键字列表来过滤(或过滤)内容,但FeedScrub的工作方式更类似于垃圾邮件过滤器,了解您喜欢的内容,并删除您表示不喜欢的内容。

“Existing RSS filters focus on filtering out particular keywords, creating the possibility of false positives (deleting something the user wanted),” says founder Jason Ardell. “[FeedScrub] is personalized to your preferences so you only read what interests you, and it gets smarter as you train it to minimize filtering out stories you’d like to read.”

创始人Jason Ardell说:“现有的RSS过滤器着重于过滤掉特定的关键字,从而产生误报的可能性(删除用户想要的内容)。” “ [FeedScrub]可以根据您的喜好进行个性化设置,因此您只能阅读自己感兴趣的内容,并且在进行培训时变得更加聪明,以最大程度地过滤掉您想阅读的故事。”

The site currently supports Google Reader and the NewsGator RSS readers (NewNewsWire and FeedDemon), with more RSS readers on the way. (Any reader can be used by accessing the raw filtered feed URL.)

该站点当前支持Google Reader和NewsGator RSS阅读器(NewNewsWire和FeedDemon),并且还将有更多RSS阅读器。 (可以通过访问原始过滤的提要URL来使用任何阅读器。)

The video below, which comes from FeedScrub, explains how to use the application with Google Reader.

以下视频来自FeedScrub,说明了如何在Google Reader中使用该应用程序。

The way FeedScrub works is very simple. You add feeds to the site, which creates special scrubbed versions. You then add the scrubbed feeds to your RSS reader and start using buttons included with each entry to mark the posts you like, and the ones you don’t. Eventually, FeedScrub’s algorithm will learn what type of content you like and what type you don’t, and begin to filter your feeds accordingly. The site also includes a junk feed so that you can keep an eye on the stories that are getting culled in case something you like gets scrubbed. That’s especially useful while the algorithm is still being trained.

FeedScrub的工作方式非常简单。 您将提要添加到站点,这将创建特殊的清理版本。 然后,将清理后的提要添加到RSS阅读器中,并开始使用每个条目随附的按钮来标记您喜欢的帖子和您不喜欢的帖子。 最终,FeedScrub的算法将了解您喜欢什么类型的内容以及您不喜欢什么类型的内容,并开始相应地过滤您的提要。 该网站还包含一个垃圾摘要,以便您可以随时关注被淘汰的故事,以防您喜欢的东西被洗掉。 当算法仍在训练中时,这尤其有用。

Personally, my problem with this type of filter is that I often come across articles in my feed reader that I really enjoy about topics that I wouldn’t normally want to read. Often times these comes via feeds I subscribe to from social news sites like Reddit or Digg. I may not want to read every article that comes through about the auto industry, for example, but once in awhile one that was flagged by my peers as interesting will catch my eye. Further, because I generally only read feeds from blogs whose content I really like, I end up tagging too many posts as “I like this!” for the filter to learn anything helpful about what I’ll want to read.

就我个人而言,这种类型的过滤器的问题在于,我经常在Feed阅读器中遇到一些我非常喜欢的,通常不希望阅读的主题的文章。 通常,这些是通过我从Reddit或Digg之类的社交新闻网站订阅的供稿获得的。 例如,我可能不想阅读有关汽车行业的每篇文章,但是偶尔我会被同行们标记为有趣的文章会引起我的注意。 此外,由于我通常只阅读自己真正喜欢的博客的提要,因此最终我将太多帖子标记为“我喜欢!”。 让过滤器学习有关我要阅读的内容的任何有用信息。

That’s why PostRank (our coverage), which filters feeds based on audience engagement might be a better model. Chances are, if you’re subscribing to a feed you already like most of the content, but if you’re overloaded you just want the best of that content to bubble up.

这就是为什么PostRank ( 我们的报道 )基于受众的参与度过滤供稿的原因可能是更好的模型。 很有可能,如果您订阅了一个feed,您已经喜欢了大多数内容,但是如果您超载了,则只想让最好的内容冒出来。

That said, you could certainly use the two filters in tandem. Run a feed through PostRank, then again through FeedScrub. That way you’ll get the top posts from your favorite blogs and filter out anything that the crowd liked but you don’t.

也就是说,您当然可以串联使用两个过滤器。 通过PostRank运行供稿,然后再次通过FeedScrub运行供稿。 这样,您将从最喜欢的博客中获得热门帖子, 并过滤出人群喜欢但您不喜欢的所有内容。

Remember that we have 500 invites to FeedScrub for SitePoint readers — just use the invite code ‘sitepoint‘ when signing up. Let us know in the comments what you think of the service.

请记住,我们有500个针对SitePoint读者的FeedScrub邀请-只需在注册时使用邀请代码“ sitepoint ”。 在评论中让我们知道您对服务的看法。


