
tech2024-04-01  100


The Washington Post is reporting that a US host allegedly responsible for a whopping 75% of the junk email sent out globally on on a daily basis has been knocked offline. “For the past four months, Security Fix has been gathering data from the security industry about McColo Corp., a San Jose, Calif., based Web hosting service whose client list experts say includes some of the most disreputable cyber-criminal gangs in business today,” writes the Post’s Brian Krebs.

据《 华盛顿邮报》报道 ,据称负责每天在全球范围内发送高达75%的垃圾邮件的美国东道主已被下线。 “在过去的四个月中,Security Fix一直在收集来自安全行业的数据,该数据来自总部位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞的网络托管服务商McColo Corp.,客户名单专家说,其中包括一些企业中最负盛名的网络犯罪团伙。今天”,邮报的布莱恩·克雷布斯(Brian Krebs)写道。

According to Benny Ng, director of marketing for Hurricane Electric, which was one of the major backbone providers for MyColo, after being contacted by Security Fix, the web fraud blog at the Post authored by Krebs, the company decided to shut down the rogue hosting provider. “We looked into it a bit, saw the size and scope of the problem [Security Fix was] reporting and said, ‘Holy cow!’ Within the hour we had terminated all of our connections to them,” Ng said.

据Hurricane Electric(MyColo的主要骨干提供商之一)的市场营销总监Benny Ng称,在与由Krebs撰写的《邮报》上的网络欺诈博客Security Fix联系后,该公司决定关闭流氓托管服务提供者。 “我们仔细研究了一下,看到了问题的严重程度和严重程度([安全修补程序]正在报告),并说:“天哪!” 在一个小时内,我们终止了与他们的所有连接。” Ng说。

In addition to controlling spam-producing botnets, MyColo’s bad practices extended to other illegal activities, such as hosting child pornography, sites that managed payment processing for spam and child porn, and a Trojan horse operation that apparently swiped banking and credit card information from hundreds of thousands of people. Suffice it to say, they won’t be missed.

除了控制产生垃圾邮件的僵尸网络外,MyColo的不良作法还扩展到其他非法活动,例如托管儿童色情制品,管理垃圾邮件和儿童色情制品付款处理的网站以及特洛伊木马程序操作,显然从数百种刷卡中清除了银行和信用卡信息成千上万的人。 可以说,他们不会被错过。

However, don’t expect the level of spam in your inbox to decrease — or not by much, and not for long. As we reported earlier this week, spam is still a vastly profitable endeavor, and spammers are very resourceful. They won’t simply disappear now that one of the largest spam hubs is gone — they’ll just find a new place to blast their spam from.

但是,不要期望收件箱中的垃圾邮件数量会减少-或不会减少很多,而且不会持续很长时间。 正如我们在本周早些时候报道的那样 ,垃圾邮件仍然是一项非常有利可图的工作,垃圾邮件发送者的资源非常丰富。 现在,最大的垃圾邮件中心之一已经消失了,他们不会简单消失-他们只是找到了一个新的垃圾邮件爆发场所。

“With McColo gone off the air, I do not suspect I’ll find little to do in the coming weeks, months, and year, the badness they hosted will simply move,” wrote Jose Nazario a Arbor Networks, a web security firm.

网络安全公司Arbor Networks的 Jose Nazario写道:“随着McColo的停运,我相信在接下来的几周,几个月和一年里,我将无所作为,它们所带来的劣势只会逐渐消失。”

One major question is why MyColo has taken so long to be stopped. According to security experts, they’ve been a known offender for quite some time, but authorities have been slow to act.

一个主要问题是,为什么MyColo花费这么长时间才能停止。 根据安全专家的说法,他们已经是众所周知的犯罪者,但当局行动迟缓。

“There is damning evidence that this activity has been going on there for way too long, and plenty of people in the security community have gone out of their way to raise awareness about this network, but nobody seems to care,” Paul Ferguson, a threat researcher with computer security firm Trend Micro told the Washington Post. “It’s a statement on the inefficiencies of trying to pursue legal prosecution of these guys that it takes so long for anything to be done about it. Law enforcement is saying they’re doing what they can, but that’s not enough. And if law enforcement can’t address stuff like this in a timely fashion, then the whole concept of law enforcement in the cyber world needs to be readdressed, because it’s hardly making a dent at the moment.”

保罗·弗格森(Paul Ferguson)表示:“有确凿的证据表明,该活动已经进行了太长时间,安全界的许多人已经竭尽全力来提高对该网络的认识,但是似乎没人在乎。”计算机安全公司趋势科技的威胁研究人员告诉《华盛顿邮报》 。 “这是对试图对这些人提起法律诉讼的效率低下的声明,因此需要花费很长时间才能对此做任何事情。 执法部门说他们正在尽力而为,但这还不够。 而且,如果执法机构无法及时解决此类问题,那么网络世界中整个执法机构的概念都需要重新考虑,因为目前几乎没有什么影响力。”


