
tech2024-04-01  100

The increasingly hostile climate around the US presidential election seems to have seeped into the blossoming Apple vs. Microsoft ad war. The latest salvo comes from Apple, with a pair of new ads in their successful “Get a Mac” campaign that casts the Daily Show’s John Hodgman as the nerdy, out of touch PC and actor Justin Long as the hip, young Mac.

美国总统大选前后日益敌对的气氛似乎渗透到了苹果与微软之间的广告战中。 最新的广告来自苹果公司,在成功的“获得Mac”广告系列中投放了两则新广告,该广告将Daily Show的 John Hodgman变成了讨厌的PC,而演员Justin Long则是时髦的年轻Mac。

The problem with the new ads is that rather than pointing out problems with Windows or talking up what’s great about OS X, they instead take aim at Microsoft’s new $300 million advertising campaign — and not on merit, but on, er, price tag? The problem is that they might be just a bit too much inside baseball for the general public, they’re hypocritical, and they’re, well, mean-spirited rather than informative.

新广告的问题在于,他们没有指出Windows的问题或谈论OS X的优点,而是针对Microsoft耗资3亿美元的新广告活动,而不是功劳,而是价格? 问题在于,对于普通大众来说,他们在棒球里面可能只是太多了,他们是虚伪的,而且他们都是卑鄙的,而不是有益的。

The first new ad pokes fun at Microsoft for trying to fix the image problems around Vista through marketing, accusing Microsoft of spending $300 million on a new ad campaign rather than putting that money toward Vista.


It’s kind of hypocritical, though, given how pervasive Apple advertising has been over the past few years. It’s hard to turn on a TV these days without seeing either a “Get a Mac,” iPod or iPhone advertisement, which also show up on high profile web sites and in many magazines. In fact, Apple spent $467 million advertising in 2007, while Microsoft spent $1.3 billion — about three times as much, but the company has a wider product line and makes a lot more money. Microsoft’s ad spending actually dropped slightly this year.

不过,鉴于过去几年Apple广告的普及程度,这有点虚伪。 这些天很难打开电视,而不会看到“ Get Mac”,iPod或iPhone广告,这些广告也出现在知名网站和许多杂志上。 实际上,苹果公司在2007年花费了4.67亿美元做广告,而微软公司花费了13亿美元,大约是这一数字的三倍,但该公司拥有更广泛的产品线并赚了很多钱。 微软今年的广告支出实际上略有下降。

Microsoft also spent more on R&D — a lot more — $7.1 billion to Apple’s $782 million last year. As a percentage of revenue, Microsoft ponies up 14% on research and development, Apple spends about 3% of its net sales income on R&D. Again, though, Microsoft has a wider product line and Apple could argue that Microsoft has more to fix.

微软还在研发上投入了更多资金,比去年苹果公司的7.82亿美元多了71亿美元。 微软占研发收入的比例为14%,苹果将净销售收入的3%用于研发。 再次,尽管微软拥有更广泛的产品线,但苹果公司可能认为微软还有更多需要修复的地方。

Facts and figures aside, the point is that Apple’s new ads feel like inside jokes that don’t really do much to sell me on the Mac and just seem sort of mean. They’re definitely both funny, but they paint Apple as an elitist bully that’s out of touch with what consumers care about rather than the lovable underdog, in my opinion. Is that really what they’re going for now? Or perhaps these ads meant to just play to the Apple base? (To borrow some phraseology from the political sphere.)

除了事实和数据,关键是苹果公司的新广告听起来像是在开玩笑,对在Mac上卖给我并没有多大帮助,而且似乎有些卑鄙。 他们肯定都很好笑,但是我认为苹果是精英欺负者,与消费者关心的事情脱节,而不是讨人喜欢的弱者。 那真的是他们现在要做什么吗? 也许这些广告只是想在Apple平台上播放? (从政治领域借用一些措辞。)

What do you think about the new Mac ads? Let us know in the poll and sound off the in comments below.

您如何看待新的Mac广告? 让我们在民意调查中了解一下,并结束下面的评论。

[poll id=7]

[投票ID = 7]

Note: We’re aware of the typo in the poll (that should be “hilarious”). Unfortunately, our current WordPress poll plugin doesn’t support the editing of answers once published. We’re planning to switch to the PollDaddy plugin soon.

注意:我们知道民意调查中的错字(应该是“搞笑”)。 不幸的是,我们当前的WordPress民意测验插件不支持发布后的答案编辑。 我们计划很快切换到PollDaddy插件。

A second new advert is here.

第二个新广告在这里 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/poll-what-do-you-think-of-apples-new-attack-ads/
