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tech2024-04-01  84

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A couple of days ago, my friend Allen Stern speculated on his blog that UK newspaper The Guardian might be a potential acquirer for social news site Digg. The basis for Stern’s theory was two-fold: 1. The Guardian has recently begun bolstering its new media portfolio with an acquisition of the blog site PaidContent.org last week for $30 million, and 2. because he’s noticed an up tick in the number of stories from mainstream newspaper sites hitting the front page of Digg.

几天前,我的朋友艾伦·斯特恩(Allen Stern) 在他的博客上推测 ,英国报纸《卫报》可能成为社交新闻网站Digg的潜在收购者。 斯特恩理论的依据有两个:1. 《卫报》最近开始上周以3,000万美元的价格收购了博客网站PaidContent.org来加强其新媒体业务,以及2.因为他注意到这一数字在上升主流报纸网站的报道流传到Digg的头版。

Taken at face value, neither of those things is really evidence enough to suggest that the Guardian is considering and acquisition of Digg. However, it did prompt analytics company Hitwise to take a closer look at the downstream traffic flowing from Digg to print media sites.

从表面上看,这些东西都没有真正的证据足以表明《卫报》正在考虑并收购Digg。 但是,它确实促使分析公司Hitwise 仔细研究了从Digg到印刷媒体站点的下游流量。

According to the Hitwise, the “News and Media” category has narrowed the gap between it and the second place “Entertainment” category as the third biggest receiver of downstream traffic from the social news site. (Note: these are Hitwise categories, not categories on the Digg site itself.) Year-over-year, traffic from Digg to News and Media sites was up 16% and the “Print” sub-category of News and Media was the largest receiver of Digg traffic in that category at 9% of downstream traffic — up 47% over last year.

根据《 Hitwise》的报道,“新闻与媒体”类别缩小了与第二位“娱乐”类别之间的差距,后者是社交新闻网站下游流量的第三大接收者。 (注意:这些是Hitwise类别,而不是Digg网站本身的类别。)与去年同期相比,从Digg到新闻和媒体网站的访问量增长了16%,新闻和媒体的“打印”子类别是最大的该类别的Digg流量的接收者占下游流量的9%,比去年增长了47%。

What does that all mean? Well, it could mean what Stern suspects it does — that Digg is testing the waters for potential buyers like the Guardian. With print newspapers struggling, it might make sense for a traditional newspaper to acquire a site like Digg. However, because Digg has for months been slowly trying to transition from a mostly tech news site to a more fully rounded mainstream news site, the up tick in traffic to News and Media sites makes sense.

这到底是什么意思? 好吧,这可能意味着斯特恩怀疑自己做了什么-迪格正在为《卫报》等潜在买家测试水域。 随着印刷报纸的挣扎,传统报纸收购像Digg这样的网站可能很有意义。 但是,由于Digg几个月来一直在缓慢地尝试从以技术为主的新闻网站过渡到功能更为全面的主流新闻网站 ,因此新闻和媒体网站的访问量增长是有道理的。

Digg acquisition rumors have become something of a sport for bloggers. A quick trip down memory lane reveals that Digg was to be acquired by Yahoo! in January 2006. A few months later, in September, it was News Corp. doing the buying. Then in 2007 Digg reportedly hired an investment bank to shop it at a $300 million price tag. Last March, Google and Microsoft were rumored to be in a bidding war for the social news site, while last month it was just Google. Perhaps the only thing more fun for Valley-watching bloggers than getting on the front page of Digg is doing so with a rumor of a Digg acquisition.

Digg收购的谣言已成为博主的一项运动。 快速回想一下,发现Digg被Yahoo!收购了。 在2006年1月。几个月后,在9月, 新闻集团进行了收购。 然后在2007年, 据报道Digg雇用了一家投资银行以3亿美元的价格购买它。 去年三月,有传言称谷歌和微软正在竞购社交新闻网站,而上个月只是谷歌 。 对于看谷歌的博客来说,唯一有趣的事情莫过于登上Digg的传闻,这比登上Digg的首页更有趣。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/potential-buyers-for-digg-print-media/

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