aol dataset

tech2024-04-01  83

aol dataset

TechCrunch is reporting that AOL is planning to update its homepage with a new emphasis on third party services. Details are scarce — TechCrunch is basing their report off of a couple of low quality linked screenshots (how come leaked photos and screenshots are always fuzzy, anyway?), but if legit, AOL appears to have a pretty sweet looking service coming down the pipeline.

TechCrunch报告说, AOL计划更新其主页 ,重点放在第三方服务上。 细节稀缺-TechCrunch的报告基于几个低质量的链接屏幕截图(无论如何,泄漏的照片和屏幕截图始终是模糊的?),但是如果合法的话,AOL似乎正在提供非常漂亮的服务。

The screenshots depict an AOL that draws in more personalization features and feels more like a start page. The current MyAOL start page and homepage are near clones of their Yahoo! counterparts.

屏幕截图描绘了一个AOL,该AOL引入了更多的个性化功能,并且感觉更像一个起始页。 当前的MyAOL起始页和AOL.com主页均与其Yahoo! 同行。

Images via TechCrunch


If the leaked screens are accurate, and AOL is indeed planning to launch something like what they show, then the new AOL would encourage users to utilize off-site services. As Arrington points out, they’ve come along way since the walled-garden AOL of the 90s.

如果泄漏的屏幕是准确的,并且AOL确实计划启动类似它们所显示的内容,那么新的AOL将鼓励用户使用异地服务。 正如Arrington所指出的那样,自90年代围墙花园AOL以来,它们一直在发展。

The screens show a a front page that, in addition to news and Google-powered search, include three modules that push users to third-party sites and services. A “My Links” side bar navigation appears to be a sort of quick launch bar to the user’s favorite sites, while the MyStuff box hints at what could be a platform for third party applications. The screenshot shows icons for third party mail applications like Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail and Gmail, however the name, “My Stuff,” hints at more than mail. Or, it could just be email. Here’s hoping for the former.

屏幕上显示了一个首页,除了新闻和Google支持的搜索功能外,还包括三个将用户推送到第三方站点和服务的模块。 “我的链接”侧栏导航似乎是用户喜欢的站点的一种快速启动栏,而“我的东西”框则暗示着什么可能是第三方应用程序的平台。 屏幕截图显示了第三方邮件应用程序(例如Yahoo!)的图标。 邮件,Hotmail和Gmail,但是名称“我的东西”暗示的不仅仅是邮件。 或者,可能只是电子邮件。 这是对前者的希望。

The final third party widget on the leaked front page is called “My Networks” and appears to be a social networking account manager that draws info not only from AOL-owned Bebo and Instant Messenger, but from other networks as well, such as Facebook and MySpace. That’s likely the influence of SocialThing!, which AOL acquired at the beginning of August.

泄漏的首页上最后的第三方窗口小部件称为“我的网络”,它似乎是一个社交网络客户经理,不仅从AOL拥有的Bebo和Instant Messenger以及从其他网络(如Facebook和我的空间。 这可能是AOL在8月初收购的SocialThing!的影响。

A second screenshot shows an RSS reader, that while rudimentary looking, appears to be far and away more complete than readers offered by other major portal start pages. Simple is also probably better when you’re AOL and your target user base is a mainstream audience that is probably made up of mostly the RSS neophytes.

第二个屏幕截图显示了RSS阅读器,虽然看起来很简陋,但看起来比其他主要门户网站起始页面提供的阅读器更加完善。 当您是AOL且目标用户群是主要由RSS新手组成的主流受众时,简单也可能会更好。

I’ve been using MyYahoo! as my daily start page for about 10 years. It’s really hard to judge a product based on a few leaked screenshots, but this is the first time in awhile that I can remember being excited about a new start page product.

我一直在使用MyYahoo! 作为我大约10年的每日首页。 很难根据泄漏的屏幕截图来判断产品,但这是我第一次记得自己对新的起始页产品感到兴奋。


aol dataset
