
tech2024-04-01  76


Yahoo! announced today that it would allow users to opt out of customized advertising that targets ads based on your previous web surfing habits. Google made a similar announcement yesterday when it added a global opt-out button for the cookie served via ads on the Google content network (DoubleClick ads). Yahoo! also has an opt-out link, but the changes won’t actually take effect until the end of the month.

雅虎! 今天宣布 ,它将允许用户选择退出根据您以前的网上冲浪习惯针对广告的定制广告。 谷歌昨天发布了类似的公告 ,为通过Google内容网络中的广告(DoubleClick广告)投放的Cookie添加了全局退出按钮 。 雅虎! 也有一个“ 选择退出”链接 ,但更改要到本月底才能真正生效。

The new opt-out policies come in response to a letter sent last week by the US House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Subcommittee to 33 ISPs and Internet firms, including Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and AOL, expressing concern over how private data is recorded and used. The letter asked the companies to respond to a series of questions about how ads are “tailored” to users, and how consumers are notified of the practice.

新的选择退出政策是对美国众议院能源和商务小组委员会上周致33个ISP和互联网公司(包括Google,Yahoo!,Microsoft和AOL)的一封信的回应,该信表达了对私有数据的担忧记录并使用。 这封信要求两家公司回答一系列有关如何“定制”广告给用户以及如何通知消费者这种做法的问题。

Yahoo! responded with a letter to address to Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell (D-MI) today. You can read the full letter here. One concern, raised by ZDNet’s Larry Dignan, is that Yahoo!’s opt-out procedure is not as clean as Google’s. In addition to the Yahoo! network advertising opt-out, there appear to be separate opt-out links for Blue Lithium and Right Media, which are parts of Yahoo!. (Note: you can opt out from any members of the “Network Advertising Initiative” on this page. A large number of firms, including Google DoubleClick, Yahoo!, AOL’s Tacoda, and 24/7 Real Media are members.)

雅虎! 作为回应,他今天在致能源和商业委员会主席约翰·丁格尔(D-MI)的讲话中作了回应。 您可以在此处阅读全文 。 ZDNet的拉里·迪格南(Larry Dignan)提出的一个担忧是,雅虎的退出程序不像Google那样干净 。 除了Yahoo! 网络广告选择退出,Blue Lithium和Right Media似乎有单独的选择退出链接,它们是Yahoo!的一部分。 (注意:您可以选择退出此页面上的“网络广告计划”的任何成员。包括Google DoubleClick,Yahoo!,AOL的Tacoda和24/7 Real Media在内的许多公司都是成员。)

So our question to you is, will you opt out from Yahoo! and Google ad cookies now that you have the option?

因此,我们要问的是,您是否会退出雅虎! 和Google广告Cookie,现在可以选择了吗?

[poll id=3]

[投票ID = 3]

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/poll-will-you-opt-out-of-google-yahoo-ads/

