-:`--.: 新闻

tech2024-04-01  97

\-:`--.: 新闻

In May, my former colleague Corvida predicted that filters are the logical next step for social media. Social media sites, such as Digg and Reddit and Delicious and Techmeme, are really filters themselves — filtering news and information based on what your readers and other writers find valuable and interesting. But social media sites have themselves become part of the problem of information overload, sending so much information our way, that as Corvida predicts, we’ll soon need filtering for our filtering.

今年5月,我的前同事Corvida预测过滤器是社交媒体顺理成章的下一步 。 诸如Digg和Reddit以及Delicious和Techmeme之类的社交媒体网站实际上是在过滤自己-根据读者和其他作家发现的有价值和有趣的内容过滤新闻和信息。 但是社交媒体网站本身已经成为信息过载问题的一部分,它以我们的方式发送了如此多的信息,正如Corvida预测的那样,我们很快将需要过滤来进行过滤。

But one thing is clear, at least in my mind: filtering is the future of news. Y Combinator founder Paul Graham recently called news filtering sites like Digg and Reddit “just the beginning” of the next evolution of news delivery web sites. Graham challenged web innovators to come up with a new type of news site that will push news dissemination forward. “News will morph significantly in the more competitive environment of the web,” he wrote.

但是有一件事很清楚,至少在我看来:过滤是新闻的未来。 Y Combinator的创始人保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)最近称新闻过滤网站如Digg和Reddit 只是新闻发布网站的下一个发展的“ 开始 ”。 格雷厄姆(Graham)向网络创新者发起挑战,提出了一种新型的新闻站点,它将推动新闻传播的发展。 他写道:“新闻将在更具竞争性的网络环境中发生重大变化。”

Two sites think that the next wave of news filtering will be based less on popularity, and more on measuring credibility. The problem many users have with social media sites like Digg and Delicious is that they reward popularity rather than necessarily highlighting the best content. Two startups NewsCred, which is supposed to launch tomorrow, and NewsTrust, which is actually a few years old, aim to sort news based on the credibility and reliability of the source rather than its popularity.

两个站点认为,下一波新闻过滤将更少地基于受欢迎程度,而更多地是基于对信誉的衡量。 许多用户对Digg和Delicious这样的社交媒体网站所遇到的问题是,他们奖励受欢迎程度而不是突出最佳内容。 两家初创公司NewsCred (计划于明天推出)和NewsTrust (实际上已有几年历史)旨在根据消息来源的可信度和可靠性而不是其受欢迎程度对新闻进行分类。

Both sites work essentially the same way — users rate news based whether or not they think that news source is credible and reliable. This is different from other social media sites, where news is voted up or down based on whatever criteria people use personally — it could be credibility or it could be “coolness” or because the voter’s friend wrote the story.

这两个站点的工作方式基本上是相同的-用户是否根据新闻等级来评估新闻,无论他们是否认为新闻来源是可靠和可靠的。 这与其他社交媒体网站不同,在其他社交媒体网站上,新闻是根据人们个人使用的标准来上下投票的,这可能是可信的,也可能是“酷”,或者是因为选民的朋友写了这个故事。

“We firmly believe that a transparent and credible media industry is vital to the health of the world democracy,” says the NewsCred about page. “We’ve also done our research, and there are hundreds of surveys and papers that show that the public continues to fault news organizations (both traditional and online) for a number of perceived failures, with solid majorities criticizing them for political bias, inaccuracy and failing to acknowledge mistakes.”

NewsCred about page说:“我们坚信透明和可信的媒体行业对世界民主的健康至关重要。” “我们还进行了研究,有数百项调查和论文表明,公众继续对新闻机构(传统的和在线的)指责,认为它们存在许多失败,多数人批评他们的政治偏见,不准确性。并没有承认错误。”

Each site works basically the same, but NewsTrust has a much more comprehensive voting mechanism. While NewsCred opts for the simple approach — every article fed into the site from pre-approved top news and blog sources can be either ‘credited’ or ‘discredited’ and the site then figures out a ‘credibility’ score for that article — NewsTrust takes a more extensive approach. On NewsTrust, stories are rated on one to five star scale in 11 categories, including fairness, balance, context, importance, style, and trust. The individual ratings are combined and averaged for an overall rating on the story that, in theory, reflects all of those factors.

每个站点的工作原理基本相同,但是NewsTrust具有更全面的投票机制。 当NewsCred选择简单的方法时-从预先批准的热门新闻和博客来源投递到该网站的每篇文章都可以被“信用”或“不可信”,然后该网站计算出该文章的“可信度”分数-NewsTrust更广泛的方法。 在NewsTrust上,对新闻的评分在11个类别中为1到5个星级,其中包括公平性,平衡性,上下文,重要性,样式和信任度。 从理论上可以反映所有这些因素的情况下,将单个收视率进行组合并取平均值,以得出总的收视率。

On both sites users are allowed to comment on stories and add additional information and sources. NewsCred also lets users customize which sources are given priority when creating the main page, giving users an extra set of filters to cut down on the flow of information.

在这两个站点上,都允许用户评论故事并添加其他信息和来源。 NewsCred还允许用户自定义创建主页时优先考虑哪些来源,从而为用户提供了一组额外的过滤器以减少信息流。

Of the two sites, NewsCred is certainly the slickest designed with the lowest barrier to entry for users — the simple credit/discredit voting system is easy to pick up, especially for converts from other social media sites which have similar voting systems (Digg, Reddit, Mixx, etc.), and the site’s design mimics mainstream news outlets. But NewsTrust probably has the better system. NewsTrust specifically asks users to weigh in on articles according to specific criteria, so they’re much more likely to get accurate results than is NewsCred — whose system could be treated by users as no different than Reddit’s up/down voting system. Even though NewsCred asks people to consider things like credibility, accuracy, bias, and quality when rating stories, it never defines those terms. What I may think is quality, you may think is rubbish.

在这两个网站中,NewsCred无疑是设计最精巧,用户进入门槛最低的-简单的信用/不记名投票系统很容易实现,特别是对于来自具有类似投票系统的其他社交媒体网站的转化者(Digg,Reddit ,Mixx等),该网站的设计模仿了主流新闻媒体。 但是NewsTrust可能有更好的系统。 NewsTrust专门要求用户根据特定标准对文章进行权衡,因此他们比NewsCred更有可能获得准确的结果-NewsCred的系统可以被用户视为与Reddit的上/下投票系统没有区别。 尽管NewsCred要求人们在对故事进行评级时考虑可信度,准确性,偏见和质量等问题,但它从未定义这些术语。 我可能认为是质量,您可能认为是垃圾。

That same problem of personal definitions might affect NewsTrust as well, but probably to a lesser extent because the site clearly defines the things that it wants people to consider when rating stories. And its more granular rating system is also superior — I can see that a story might be, for example, considered by most readers to be well-written and interesting but not particularly fair. That might mean it is worth reading, but on NewsCred, the story’s tendency toward bias might sink it.

同样的个人定义问题也可能会影响NewsTrust,但程度可能较小,因为该网站明确定义了人们在对新闻进行评级时要考虑的内容。 而且其更细致的评分系统也很出色-例如,我可以看到大多数读者认为一个故事写得好,有趣,但并不特别公平。 这可能意味着值得一读,但是在NewsCred上,故事的偏见倾向可能会使其沉没。

In general, NewsCred and NewsTrust represent an interesting new approach to social media sharing and could yield a better way to cut the noise from the signal than traditional up/down news voting sites.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-future-of-news-filtering-by-credibility/

\-:`--.: 新闻
