
tech2024-04-01  95


If there’s one thing most bloggers almost universally love, it is tools that let us compare things and identify trends. Compete charts. Google Trends charts and Insights for Search maps. Technorati graphs. We eat those types of sites up because they’re supremely helpful when doing research for posts. They’re also very useful for academic researchers, web site marketers, and advertising execs.

如果大多数博客作者几乎都喜欢一件事,那就是使我们能够比较事物并确定趋势的工具。 竞争图表。 Google趋势图和Insights for Search地图。 Technorati图。 我们厌倦了这些类型的网站,因为它们在进行帖子研究时非常有帮助。 它们对于学术研究人员,网站营销人员和广告主管也非常有用。

One of those useful tools is Lexicon from Facebook, which graphs mentions of words and phrases on profile Walls over time. We recently called Lexicon one of our top ten way to track buzz.

这些有用的工具之一是Facebook的Lexicon ,它可以随着时间的推移以图形方式显示在个人资料Walls上单词和短语的提及。 我们最近将Lexicon称为追踪嗡嗡声的十大方法之一。

Today, Inside Facebook pointed to a preview version of a coming update to Lexicon that adds a number of new metrics. The preview version is limited to searches on 17 pre-selected terms, but offers a glimpse at what is coming.

今天, Inside Facebook指向 Lexicon即将进行的更新的预览版,其中添加了许多新指标。 预览版本仅限于搜索预选的17个字词,但可以一目了然。

The new Lexicon will provide access to exponentially more data than the current version. Below is a list of the various pages in the preview version:

新的Lexicon将提供比当前版本更多的数据访问权限。 以下是预览版本中各个页面的列表:

Dashboard – Essentially the current Lexicon on steroids. It graphs terms based on the number of posts, posters, and as a percentage of all posts. Also includes gender and age information on posters for each term. The time frame controls are still really bad, though.

仪表板 –本质上是有关类固醇的最新词汇。 它根据帖子,海报的数量以及占所有帖子的百分比来绘制术语的图形。 在每个学期的海报上还包括性别和年龄信息。 但是,时间范围控制仍然非常糟糕。

Demographics – Demographic trends for age, gender, and country of origin for terms and phrases expressed as a total number of posters or percentage of all posters. In the preview, country stats only work for the US, Canada, and the UK, hopefully more country options will be added when the new Lexicon actually launches.

人口统计资料 –术语和短语的年龄,性别和原籍国的人口统计趋势,表示为海报总数或所有海报的百分比。 在预览中,国家/地区统计信息仅适用于美国,加拿大和英国,希望在新词典正式发布时会添加更多国家/地区选项。

Associations – Plots additional words and phrases mentioned on profiles that also mention the searched for word or phrase. The results are plotted with an interesting visualization that not only shows off how often associated words are mentioned, but also the average age and gender of those making the association.

关联 –绘制配置文件中提到的其他单词和短语,这些单词和短语也提及搜索到的单词或短语。 通过有趣的可视化来绘制结果,该可视化不仅显示了关联词的提及频率,而且还显示了进行关联的人的平均年龄和性别。

Sentiment – Shows the percentage of posts that are positive vs. negative for a phrase or word. Demo version allows comparison of up to three terms. We assume they use some sort of pre-defined ontology for determining if phrases are negative or positive. It’s easy to imagine that sentiment scores can be tripped up — for example, “I hate all the negative press about Walmart,” would likely appear to a computer to be a negative sentence about Walmart, when in actuality the opposite is true. With that in mind, it might be wise to take sentiment scores with a grain of salt, at least until we know more about Facebook’s method for determining negative vs. positive.

情感 -显示短语或单词为正数或为负数的帖子所占的百分比。 演示版本最多可以比较三个术语。 我们假设他们使用某种预定义的本体来确定短语是否定的还是肯定的。 容易想象情绪得分会被提高-例如,“我讨厌所有关于沃尔玛的负面报道”,在计算机上似乎是对沃尔玛的否定句子,而实际上相反。 考虑到这一点,至少在我们对Facebook确定消极与积极的方法有了更多了解之前,对情感分数加些盐可能是明智的。

Pulse – Pulse shows the raw counts for related terms that appear in the profiles of users who also mention the searched for term or phrase. This could be extremely useful for determining interests related to your core users. Lists can be broken down into terms that appear on the Interests, Music, Movies, TV Shows, and Books sections of user profiles.

脉冲 –脉冲显示出现在用户个人资料中的相关术语的原始计数,这些用户的个人资料中还提到了搜索到的术语或短语。 这对于确定与您的核心用户有关的兴趣可能非常有用。 列表可以细分为用户个人资料的“兴趣”,“音乐”,“电影”,“电视节目”和“图书”部分中显示的术语。

Maps – Creates heat maps based on the buzz surrounding certain products. Right now it does Canada, the UK, and the United States.

地图 –根据围绕某些产品的嗡嗡声创建热图。 目前,加拿大,英国和美国都在使用。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-about-to-make-lexicon-way-more-useful/

