
tech2024-04-01  103


Welcome to the 15th “Week in ColdFusion” wrap-up! I hope that I’m saving people time, or at least pointing out some handy posts you might have missed. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment. Too long? Too short? Not enough of X? Too much Y? I’d love to hear it!

欢迎来到第15期“ ColdFusion周”总结! 我希望我可以节省人们的时间,或者至少指出一些您可能错过的方便的帖子。 如果您有任何反馈意见,请发表评论。 太长? 太短? X不够? Y太多了吗? 我很想听听!

Best Practices


Onto the posts: Peter Bell has started a series of articles on Unit Testing and Test Driven Development (TDD). He’s kicked the set off with Why Test? and followed up with Books on Unit Testing and Test Driven Development and then an article on Getting Test Infected – pairing up with another developer to pick the unit testing habit up from them. Food for thought if you’re curious about Unit testing or TDD.

帖子上:Peter Bell开始了一系列有关单元测试和测试驱动开发(TDD)的文章。 他以“ 为什么要测试 ”开始比赛了。 然后是有关单元测试和测试驱动开发的书籍 ,然后是有关感染测试的文章-与另一位开发人员结对以从中汲取单元测试习惯。 如果您对单元测试或TDD感到好奇,可以考虑一下。

Speaking of deep thinking, Barney Boisvert has posted on how far the ColdFusion community has come in the past few years, with ColdSpring, ORM solutions like Reactor and Transfer, and frameworks like Fusebox, Mach-ii and Model-Glue now so widely adopted. If you’re using these tools, learning them or even just thinking about these topics, Barney would like you to congratulate yourself!

谈到深思熟虑,Barney Boisvert发表了有关ColdFusion社区在过去几年中取得了多大进展的文章 ,其中包括ColdSpring,ORM解决方案(如Reactor和Transfer)以及Fusebox,Mach-ii和Model-Glue之类的框架。 如果您正在使用这些工具,正在学习它们,或者甚至只是在思考这些主题,Barney都希望您祝贺自己!



The first round of results from Jim Priest’s CFML IDE survey are in. Check out what the ColdFusion community is looking for in an IDE. If you’re interested in what the wider web development community is favouring, the results of a survey done by O’Reilly’s Inside RIA is also available.

Jim Priest的CFML IDE调查的第一轮结果已经准备就绪。 请查看ColdFusion社区在IDE中寻找什么 。 如果您对更广泛的Web开发社区感兴趣,则可以使用O'Reilly的Inside RIA所做的调查结果。

Charlie Arehart reminds us of the UGTV (User Group TV) section of his site: a listing of recorded ColdFusion presentations. There’s lots of gems in there! Charlie has also had some of his “Tipical Charlie” columns from the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update journal published online in PDF format.

Charlie Arehart让我们想起了他网站的UGTV (用户组电视)部分: 录制的ColdFusion演示文稿的列表 。 那里有很多宝石! 查理(Charlie)还从《融合权威季刊》(Fusion Authority Quarterly Update)期刊中以“ PDF格式 ” 在线发表了他的一些“特刊”。

It’s official: Raymond Camden is a code diva. He lists the tell-tale signs – are you one too?

这是官方的: 雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)是一位密码天后 。 他列出了讲故事的迹象–您也是吗?

My CF-Talk mailing list roundup for this week covers discussions on Flash CFFORM binding, error handlers in a clustered environment, refreshing cached web services, creating an Excel spreadsheet, the difference between CFSCRIPT “for” loops and CFLOOP, and preventing cross-site scripting.

我本周的CF-Talk邮件列表摘要涵盖了有关Flash CFFORM绑定,集群环境中的错误处理程序,刷新缓存的Web服务,创建Excel电子表格,CFSCRIPT“ for”循环和CFLOOP之间的区别以及防止跨站的讨论。脚本。

Open Source


The Open BlueDragon Steering Committee interviews continue with Adam Haskell, Mark Drew, Alan Williamson and Matt Woodward.

蓝龙开放筹划指导委员会的采访继续了亚当•哈斯克尔 , 马克•德鲁 , 艾伦•威廉森和马特•伍德沃德 。

Brain Rinaldi rounds up the open source releases for the week – only one new project but a few updates, including version 1.0 of Mango Blog (taking the project officially out of beta).

Brain Rinaldi整理了本周的开放源代码发布 -只有一个新项目,但有一些更新,包括Mango Blog 1.0版 (正式使该项目脱离Beta版)。

Code, code and more code


Lots of image manipulation this week!


ImageUtils, the CF8 image manipulation library, has had some nice TIFF functionality added

CF8图像处理库ImageUtils 添加了一些不错的TIFF功能

Brian Love has posted about how to get JPEG resolution from EXIF metadata

Brian Love发布了有关如何从EXIF元数据获取JPEG分辨率的信息

Seth Duffey shares a technique for rotating digital photographs in CF8 using EXIF orientation information

塞思·达菲(Seth Duffey)分享了一种使用EXIF方向信息在CF8中旋转数码照片的技术

Raymond Camden’s updated YouTube CFC has been officially released and he helps out one of his readers needing to extend the autocomplete functionality in CF8

雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden) 更新的YouTube CFC已正式发布,他为需要扩展CF8中自动完成功能的读者之一提供帮助

Scott Bennett has made his Google Maps API custom tag available and shows how to position a CFWindow from the centre of the viewport

Scott Bennett使他的Google Maps API自定义标签可用,并演示了如何从视口的中心定位CFWindow

That’s all for this week! Email me tips (kay at smoljak dot com), leave a comment or tag links for:kay.smoljak in Keep rocking the code!

这就是本周了! 通过电子邮件给我发送提示(可在smoljak dot com上找到),在del.icio.us中留下评论或标记链接:kay.smoljak。 继续摇晃代码!


