
tech2024-04-02  100


With January gone, the year is really starting to swing into gear, and ColdFusion blogs are busier than ever.


In the coding department, Steve Nelson continues his series on using the Google Calendar API with Google Calendar API – Creating a new Calendar with ColdFusion and Google Calendar API: Using ColdFusion to get a list of Calendars. With a Google calendar integration job on the horizon I’m looking forward to more of Steve’s articles in this area. Anuj Gakhar shows just how easily the Java underbelly of ColdFusion can be inspected with CFQuery and the underlying Java Objects, and Rick Osborne has launched a series of tutorials (currently numbering four) on generating scalable, stretchy, and smart graphics with ColdFusion without using CFIMAGE and in fact not requiring ColdFusion 8 at all. Ben Nadel is taking on the famous Matt’s Script Archive form handling script with a ColdFusion version (and has an amusing story about a client who insists they are switching to PERL).

在编码部门,史蒂夫·尼尔森(Steve Nelson)继续他的系列文章,将Google Calendar API与Google Calendar API结合使用–使用ColdFusion和Google Calendar API 创建新的Calendar :使用ColdFusion获取Calendar列表 。 随着Google日历集成工作的到来,我期待着Steve在该领域的更多文章。 Anuj Gakhar展示了可以使用CFQuery和底层Java Objects轻松检查ColdFusion的Java 不足之处 ,Rick Osborne已发布了一系列教程(当前编号为4),这些教程不使用CFIMAGE即可使用ColdFusion生成可伸缩,可拉伸的智能图形。实际上根本不需要ColdFusion 8。 Ben Nadel正在使用ColdFusion版本处理著名的Matt的Script Archive 表单处理脚本 (并有一个有趣的故事,讲述一个客户坚持要改用PERL)。

If you’re after development best practices, Terrence Ryan has written an article on How to convince yourself to Unit Test. Need encouragement? Check it out!

如果您遵循开发最佳实践,那么Terrence Ryan撰写了一篇有关如何说服自己进行单元测试的文章 。 需要鼓励吗? 看看这个!

For the last three weeks I’ve made some comment about how the "busy" the open source world is with so many great releases, so I’ll refrain from repeating myself and just point out that open source repository RIAForge has been updated with new SVN features, and now hosts over 400 active projects. Brian Rinaldi highlights some of the most significant new and updated projects in his ColdFusion Open Source Update. The one that stands out as especially interesting to me is Terrence Ryan’s BaseCamp CFC.

在过去的三周中,我对开源世界如此繁忙的发布情况发表了一些评论,因此,我不再重复自己,只是指出开源资源库RIAForge已更新为新的SVN功能,现在可以托管400多个活动项目。 Brian Rinaldi在他的ColdFusion开源更新中重点介绍了一些最重要的新项目和更新项目。 对我来说特别有趣的是Terrence Ryan的BaseCamp CFC 。

This week in frameworks, Mach II 1.6 Spec: Caching has been released for community feedback. The Fusebox team are looking for help to write Fusebox sample apps. And FarCry 5 – which is an application framework as well as a content management system – has been released into public beta.

本周在框架中,已经发布了Mach II 1.6 Spec:缓存 ,以征询社区的反馈。 Fusebox团队正在寻求帮助以编写Fusebox示例应用程序 。 而FarCry 5(既是应用程序框架又是内容管理系统)已发布到公开Beta中 。

Finally, a new issue of Fusion Authority Quarterly Update has been released – the ColdFusion 8 Special Edition – but as my copy has not yet arrived I can’t tell you any more about it than what’s on the official site. Stay tuned for more information as it comes to hand!

最后,已经发布了新一期的《 Fusion Authority季度更新》(ColdFusion 8特别版) ,但是由于我的副本尚未到货,所以我无法告诉您有关官方站点的更多信息。 敬请期待更多信息!


