软件开发众包 个人接单

tech2024-04-02  79

软件开发众包 个人接单

Taking a cue from the success of Dell’s IdeaStorm, in which consumers vote on features they want to see in Dell products, and Yahoo!’s Suggestion Board, Intel and Asus have launched WePC. WePC is a crowdsourcing project that lets people vote on features — similar to Dell’s site — and also to design their so-called “Dream PC” by describing the key features they’d want to see and adjust sliders to let Asus know what features are most important at the expense of others. The Dream PC part of the site also has a simple drawing app that allows users to sketch out their dream computer.

戴尔(Dell)的IdeaStorm取得了成功,在这一点上,消费者对他们希望在戴尔产品中看到的功能进行投票,而雅虎的建议委员会 ,英特尔和华硕都推出了WePC 。 WePC是一个众包项目,可让人们对功能进行投票(类似于Dell的网站),并通过描述他们想查看的关键功能并调整滑块来设计其所谓的“ Dream PC”,以使Asus知道哪些功能是最重要的是要牺牲他人。 该站点的Dream PC部分还具有一个简单的绘图应用程序,使用户可以绘制自己的Dream计算机。

Asus is one of the fastest growing PC makers in the world, and their Eee PC line of netbooks ignited a new market segment. The company has sold over four million of the mini PCs to date.

华硕是全球增长最快的PC制造商之一,其Eee PC上网本产品线点燃了一个新的细分市场。 迄今为止,该公司已经售出了超过四百万台微型PC。

Asus marketing director Lillian Lin said that WePC is “an effort to bridge innovation and technology with consumers’ wishes.” That’s certainly the sort of attitude that will make users giddy, but is this approach to gathering customer feedback smart?

华硕市场总监林立霖表示,WePC“是在创新技术与消费者愿望之间架起桥梁的努力。” 那肯定是会使用户头晕的那种态度,但是这种收集客户反馈的方法是否明智?

We think it is extremely smart. Crowdsourcing your research and development in this type of environment allows customers to not only feel like they are influencing the direction of products they love, but it allows them to connect with one another around your product as well. That, in turn, strengthens the perception of your brand. As long as Asus follows through on some of the suggestions they get, WePC should strengthen their brand and turn users into fans.

我们认为它非常聪明。 在这种环境中将研究与开发众包,不仅使客户感觉自己正在影响自己喜欢的产品的方向,而且使他们也可以围绕您的产品相互联系。 反过来,这可以增强您对品牌的认识。 只要华硕遵循他们所获得的一些建议,WePC就应该加强其品牌并将用户变成粉丝。

如何跟随华硕的领导 (How to Follow Asus’ Lead)

We think this is a good way for any company to gather feedback on their products or services, and there are a number of companies that can help you do it. Our list below of eight companies that can help you gather customer feedback is presented in no particular order.

我们认为这是任何公司收集其产品或服务反馈的好方法,并且有许多公司可以帮助您做到这一点。 以下列出的可以帮助您收集客户反馈的八家公司的列表不分先后。

IdeaScale – IdeaScale is basically a clone of the platform implemented by Dell on IdeaStorm. Users can submit ideas, and others can get on board by voting on submissions using a Reddit-like thumbs up/thumbs down mechanism. The free plan on IdeaScale allows for logo customization, so it is suitable for business use. Advanced moderation features, private portals, and custom URLs cost a fee (starting at $15/month).

IdeaScale – IdeaScale本质上是Dell在IdeaStorm上实现的平台的克隆。 用户可以提交想法,其他人可以使用类似Reddit的竖起/竖起机制通过对提交的投票进行投票。 IdeaScale上的免费计划允许自定义徽标,因此适合企业使用。 高级审核功能,私有门户和自定义URL需付费(每月15美元起)。

featurelist.org – featurelist.org, which is almost completely focused on software, is a bit different than IdeaScale in that while they provide a branded service, the suggestion boards are completely public and anyone can submit feature ideas for any product (or start a project page for your product). In other words, you may not control your own product page. From a user perspective the site is nearly identical to IdeaScale.

Featurelist.org –几乎完全专注于软件的featurelist.org与IdeaScale有所不同,因为它们提供品牌服务,但建议板是完全公开的,任何人都可以针对任何产品提交功能建议(或启动产品的项目页面)。 换句话说,您可能无法控制自己的产品页面。 从用户的角度来看,该站点几乎与IdeaScale相同。

FeVote – Similar to featurelist.org, FeVote takes an “anyone can create a suggestion board for any product” approach. Even though these sites are user focused, it is a good idea to get there first and claim your brand, then check back and make sure you’re interacting with your users wherever they are most comfortable, regardless of which site that is.

FeVote –与featurelist.org类似,FeVote采用“任何人都可以为任何产品创建建议板”的方法。 即使这些网站都是以用户为中心的,但还是最好先到达那里并声明自己的品牌,然后再回来查看并确保无论用户身在何处,都可以与他们进行最舒适的互动。

CollabAndRate – CollabAndRate is another suggestion board product, though their pitch is that it can be used to poll not only customers for feedback, but also employees and partners.

CollabAndRate – CollabAndRate是另一个建议板产品,尽管他们的主旨是它不仅可以用于轮询客户以获取反馈,还可以用来轮询员工和合作伙伴。

CrowdSpirit – Once an ambitious project to crowdsource the production of a consumer electronics product from R&D and design through production and marketing, CrowdSpirit has relaunched as an idea marketplace similar to the design contest marketplace that SitePoint runs over at sister site 99designs. Entrepreneurs can ask questions of the CrowdSpirit community (such as, “What killer app could be made with our new API?”), and the best ideas are rewarded with cash or prizes.

CrowdSpirit –曾经是一个雄心勃勃的项目,通过研发和设计通过生产和营销将消费电子产品的生产进行众包,CrowdSpirit已重新启动,成为一个创意市场,类似于SitePoint在姊妹站点99designs上运行的设计竞赛市场。 企业家可以向CrowdSpirit社区提出问题(例如“使用我们的新API可以制造出什么样的杀手级应用?”),最好的主意将获得现金或奖励。

SuggestionBox – SuggestionBox is one of the most full-featured and slickest designed customer feedback boards. The site uses a ratings-out-of-five scheme for suggestions, rather than the more traditional Digg-style thumbs up/down voting. It costs $49.50/month, or $4/month for non-profit and educational use.

SuggestionBox – RecommendationionBox是功能最全,设计最流畅的客户反馈板之一。 该网站使用五分制计划进行建议,而不是采用传统的Digg风格的赞成/反对投票。 每月费用为49.50美元,对于非营利和教育用途,每月费用为4美元。

UserVoice – UserVoice, which is free while in beta, is a very nicely designed suggestion board app. They set themselves apart from the competition by offering a widget that allows consumers to make suggestions and view the top feature requests directly from your web site. I find myself seeing the UserVoice widget more and more often around the web.

UserVoice – UserVoice(处于Beta测试阶段是免费的),是一款设计精美的建议板应用程序。 他们通过提供一个小部件使自己在竞争中脱颖而出,该部件使消费者可以直接从您的网站提出建议并查看主要功能请求。 我发现自己越来越多地在网络上看到UserVoice小部件。

Get Satisfaction – Get Satisfaction is actually focused on customer support, but users often make suggestions about how to improve products via the site. It’s a great idea to monitor Get Satisfaction like a hawk and let your customers know you’re listening.

获得满意度 –获得满意度实际上侧重于客户支持,但是用户通常会提出有关如何通过网站改进产品的建议。 最好像鹰一样监视“获得满意度”,并让您的客户知道您在听。

If you know of any other options that we’ve missed, or have any experience with this type of customer feedback mechanism, please let us know in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-crowdsource-your-research-development/

软件开发众包 个人接单
