
tech2024-04-02  91


Yahoo! pulled out all the stops this morning in its fight against investor Carl Icahn and Microsoft. Icahn, who is a major individual Yahoo! stakeholder, wants to elect a new board of directors and sell the company’s search business to Microsoft. This morning, Yahoo! placed an open call to its shareholders on the company’s main page — the most visited on the web — in a content box slightly above the fold.

雅虎! 今早全力以赴打击投资者卡尔·伊坎和微软。 伊坎,他是Yahoo!的主要个人! 利益相关者,希望选举新的董事会并将公司的搜索业务出售给Microsoft。 今天早上,雅虎! 在首屏上方的内容框中,在公司主页(网络上访问量最大)上向其股东公开致电。

The box links to an open letter that clearly intends to paint Icahn as an out of touch investor with no real plan for the company. A headline quote at the top of the page reads, “It’s hard to understand these technology companies,” and is attributed to Icahn in the Wall Street Journal last year.

该框链接到一封公开信 , 该信显然打算将伊坎描绘成失去联系的投资者,但对该公司没有实际计划。 该页顶部的标题中写道:“很难理解这些技术公司”,并且在去年的《华尔街日报》上将其归因于伊坎。

Yahoo! argues that Icahn “lacks a strategy that makes sense for Yahoo! stockholders,” and calls him out for flip-flopping on his position about whether Yahoo! should sell its search business to Microsoft. The letter includes a slide that attempts to show Icahn’s poor record when getting involved with public companies.

雅虎! Icahn认为“伊坎缺乏对雅虎有意义的战略! 股东”,并呼吁他就Yahoo! 应将其搜索业务出售给Microsoft。 这封信包括一张幻灯片,试图显示伊坎参与上市公司时的不良记录。

The company lays out its case for keeping its current board of directors and urges shareholders to vote to re-elect them. Yahoo! argues that the current board has “a clear strategy” for creating shareholder value (which includes its recent deal with Google to outsource some search advertising), and “the independence, the experience, the knowledge, and the commitment to navigate the company through the rapidly-changing Internet environment.”

该公司提出了维持其现有董事会的理由,并敦促股东投票重选他们。 雅虎! 辩称 ,现任董事会拥有“清晰的战略”来创造股东价值(包括其最近与Google达成的将一些搜索广告外包的交易),以及“独立性,经验,知识和致力于在公司内部进行导航的承诺”。瞬息万变的互联网环境。”

Yahoo!’s 2008 annual meeting of stockholders, where the vote on Icahn’s proposal will take place, is to be held on August 1. That the company is so worried about the vote that it is willing to make a public appeal on its homepage may indicate how close the vote could be.


Icahn has been using his own blog to publicly make his case for electing a new Yahoo! board and seeking to restart negotiations with Microsoft, but obviously his audience is not nearly as large.

伊坎一直在使用自己的博客来公开提出选举新Yahoo!的理由。 董事会并寻求与微软重启谈判,但显然他的听众并不多。

Of course, even if Yahoo! wins the battle against Carl Icahn, which Silicon Alley Insider predicts is likely, the company will still have to figure out a way to convert its massive amount of traffic into Street-satisfying advertising dollars.

当然,即使雅虎! 在与卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)的竞争中胜出,这可能是Silicon Alley Insider预测的结果 ,该公司仍必须找出一种方法,将其大量流量转化为满足街道需求的广告费用。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoos-last-ditch-effort-to-save-itself/

