
tech2024-04-02  109


Strictly, this falls outside the 28 May – 3 June timeframe for this weekly roundup, but it’s news too big to hold off on: Railo, the alternative CFML engine, is going open source. Hat tips to Kai “Agent K” Koenig, currently kicking his heels up at Scotch on the Rocks in Edinburgh, and also to AJ Mercer who has been dropping hints on the CFUGWA mailing list all afternoon.

严格来说,这不在本周综述的5月28日至6月3日的时间范围之内,但是这个新闻太大了,不能搁置: 替代CFML引擎Railo正在开源。 帽子提示Kai“ Agent K” Koenig (目前正在爱丁堡的岩石上的苏格兰高跟鞋)以及AJ Mercer (整个下午一直在CFUGWA邮件列表上放下提示)的提示。

According to reports from Scotch, Railo 3.1 running on JBoss wlll be released sometime around October on, under the LGPL license. Although coming only a couple of months after the Open BlueDragon announcement, this move is generating a lot of excitement. No doubt the coming weeks will see a lot of blog commentry – once again, it’s an exciting time to be a ColdFusion developer.

根据Scotch的报道,运行在JBoss wlll上的Railo 3.1已获得LGPL许可,于10月左右在JBoss.org上发布。 尽管距Open BlueDragon宣布仅两个月,但此举令人兴奋。 毫无疑问,在接下来的几周内,将会有很多博客评论–再次,成为ColdFusion开发人员是一个激动人心的时刻。

Right, back to our regular programme!



News flash! ColdFusion Jedi Master makes a mistake! That’s right, Raymond Camden has posted about a “bonehead” custom tag mistake that had him scratching his head for quite a while – showing us that he IS actually human after all, and not just a coding machine. The machine did do some other helpful posts this week, however, including Be careful with returnFormat and JSON and Changing the size of a footer in CFDOCUMENT.

新闻快讯! ColdFusion Jedi Master犯了一个错误! 没错,雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)发布了一个有关“骨头”自定义标签错误的信息 ,该错误使他挠了挠头很长时间–向我们证明了他毕竟是人类,而不仅仅是编码机器。 机器本周确实做了其他有用的文章,包括请注意returnFormat和JSON以及在CFDOCUMENT中更改页脚的大小 。

Interested in ColdSpring? Brian Kotek has posted about extending ColdSpring through custom factory beans

对ColdSpring感兴趣? Brian Kotek发布了有关通过自定义工厂bean扩展ColdSpring的信息

Ben Nadel experiments with downloading email attachments with CFPOP and CFTHREAD and also uploading files via Ajax

Ben Nadel尝试使用CFPOP和CFTHREAD下载电子邮件附件,并 通过Ajax上传文件

Todd Sharp shows us how to add attachments to a CFPRESENTATION

Todd Sharp向我们展示了如何向CFPRESENTATION添加附件

Conferences and Community


Not only is it conference season, it also seems to be the season for long philosophical discussions (which some may call rants) on a vaiety of topics relating to ColdFusion:


Steve “Cutter” Blades has posted some thoughts on ColdFusion conferences following his experiences at WebManiacs – very timely considering that conference season is in full swing!

Steve“ Cutter” Blades 在WebManiacs的经历之后,在ColdFusion会议上发表了一些想法 -考虑到会议季节如火如荼,这是非常及时的!

Supreme ColdFusion Guru Ben Forta has posted his thoughts on the ever-present ColdFusion pricing debate – and generated a lot of comments in the process – also very timely, considering the Railo announcement

至尊ColdFusion大师Ben Forta已发表了他对不断进行的ColdFusion定价辩论的想法,并在此过程中产生了很多评论,考虑到Railo的发布,也非常及时。

Oscar Arevalo rants about frameworks, libraries and shells, and where the ColdFusion community is going with them (and where they should be going!)

奥斯卡·阿雷瓦洛(Oscar Arevalo)对框架,库和外壳以及ColdFusion社区与它们一起去向(以及它们应该向何处去!)的咆哮

Never one to mince words, Adam Lehman has posted a long response to Brian Rinaldi’s post last week Does ColdFusion’s Cost Inhibit Its Development? entitled Management, Operations, Developers and Open Source

亚当·雷曼(Adam Lehman)从来没有说过话,对布莱恩·里纳尔迪(Brian Rinaldi)的帖子发表了很长的回应。 标题为管理,运营,开发人员和开源

Whew – get through all that? Here’s some lighter weight material on the conference and community front:

ew-经历所有这些吗? 这是会议和社区方面的一些较轻的材料:

Issue #7 of my CF-Talk mailing list roundup covers Performance and installation issues, JRun, CFLOCK and the ever present issue of avoiding use of the Evaluate() function


Registration is now open for Max 2008 – San Francisco – in November (hat tip to Scott Fegette)

现已于11月在旧金山的Max 2008进行注册 ( Scott Fegette的技巧提示 )

Ben announced the good news that the long-neglected ColdFusion Exchange is going to be “reinvigorated” by ColdFusion team member Ahamad Paran – go Ahamad!

Ben宣布了一个好消息,即长期以来被忽视的ColdFusion交易所将由ColdFusion团队成员Ahamad Paran “振兴” –走到Ahamad!

Open Source


Trying to work out just what each CFML product supports? Peter Boughton has started a wiki comparing the features of all the various CFML engines (hat tip to Nick Tong)

试图弄清楚每种CFML产品支持什么? 彼得·布顿(Peter Boughton)已开始建立一个Wiki,比较所有各种CFML引擎的功能 (向尼克·唐 ( Nick Tong ) 致谢 )

Brian Rinaldi’s open source update lists two new projects this week: the very exciting CodexWiki from Luis Majano (of ColdBox fame) and Mark Mandel (author of Transfer ORM) and an intriguing-sounding project from Kevan Stannard for managing nested set trees

Brian Rinaldi的开源更新本周列出了两个新项目 : 来自Luis Majano(ColdBox名望)和Mark Mandel(Transfer ORM的作者)的令人兴奋的CodexWiki,以及来自Kevan Stannard的有趣的项目,用于管理嵌套集树。

cfCommerce, the ColdFusion open source ecommerce project, now has a blog


In Summary


That’s all for this week. Next week I’ll be posting from the WebDU conference in Sydney – looking forward to that one! If you have any tips, email kay at smoljak dot com, tag your links in as for:kay.smoljak, leave a comment here or give me a yoo-hoo in person at WebDU.

这就是本周的全部。 下周,我将在悉尼的WebDU会议上发帖 -期待那个! 如果您有任何建议,请通过smoljak dot com向kay发送电子邮件,在del.icio.us中将您的链接标记为:kay.smoljak,在此处发表评论,或者亲自在WebDU上给我一个嘘声。


