
tech2024-04-03  83


If your only revenue stream is advertising, you may want to look into diversifying and quickly. According to a number of key metrics, publishers, and analysts, the online ad market is starting to tank, and it is likely going to get worse before it gets better.

如果您唯一的收入来源是广告,那么您可能希望快速地进行多样化经营。 根据许多关键指标,发布者和分析师的看法,在线广告市场开始萎缩,并且有可能在变得更好之前变得更糟。

Here are some of the things have come out over the past month that have led to growing unease in the online advertising sector:


Pay-per-click ads on search engines tanked with the US stock market. Paul Edmonson, CEO of YieldBuild.com, told Wired that there was a 9% drop in ad prices across major search engines in a single day when the stock market dropped like a rock a couple of weeks ago. Prices have mostly recovered since then, but still aren’t back up as high as they were. “It’s very unusual for a large drop to occur,” said Edmondson.

在美国股市不景气的搜索引擎上,按点击付费广告。 YieldBuild.com首席执行官保罗·埃德蒙森(Paul Edmonson) 告诉《连线》 ,几周前股市如磐石般下跌 ,各大搜索引擎的广告价格下跌9% 。 自那时以来,价格大部分已回升,但仍未回升至原来的水平。 “出现大幅度下降是非常不寻常的,”埃德蒙森说。

According to the latest Ad Price Index from PubMatic, display ad prices dropped or stayed flat across all categories. Prices are down nearly 50% since Q4 2007, and have dropped every quarter this year.

根据PubMatic的最新广告价格指数 ,展示广告价格在所有类别中均下降或保持不变。 自2007年第四季度以来,价格已下跌了近50% ,并且今年每个季度都有下跌。

According to the Rubicon Project, CPMs fell 11% on average across their 1,300 publisher clients between Q2 and Q3 this year.

根据Rubicon Project的数据 ,今年第二季度至第三季度之间,其1300个发布商客户的千次展示费用平均下降11%

JP Morgan analyst Imran Khan has lowered ad growth estimates for the second time in the past two months. The analyst predicts display ad growth at 6% in 2009, down from previous estimates of 16%, and search ad growth will be 17.3% next year, down from an earlier prediction 25.5%.

摩根大通(JP Morgan)分析师Imran Khan在过去两个月中第二次 下调了广告增长预期 。 分析师预计,2009年展示广告的增长率为6%,低于先前的16%的预测;明年搜索广告的增长率将为17.3%,低于先前的预测的25.5%。

Blog mogul Nick Denton, the man behind the wildly successful Gawker Media, sees an even gloomier outlook. “Anyone who isn’t prepared for ads to go down 40 percent is crazy,” he said last week. As Silicon Alley Insider’s Peter Kafka says, though, Denton is always seeing doom just around the corner.

博客大亨尼克·丹顿(Nick Denton)是成功取得成功的Gawker Media背后的人,他的前景更加黯淡。 他上周说: “没有为广告下跌40%做好准备的人都会发疯。” 但是,正如《硅巷内部人士》的彼得·卡夫卡(Peter Kafka)所说,丹顿总是看到厄运即​​将来临。

Google felt the need last week to reassure publishers via email that they were working to make sure ad rates stayed up. Many saw that as Google trying to keep publishers from jumping ship on their AdSense network.

Google上周感到有必要通过电子邮件向发布商保证 ,他们正在努力确保广告费率保持上涨。 在Google试图阻止发布商加入其AdSense网络后,许多人看到了这一点。

According to PubMatic, ad prices have fallen each of the past four quarters.


As the global economy continues to show signs of weakening, the advertising industry is clearly taking a hit and conventional wisdom needs to be thrown out the window. If advertising is your only revenue stream, you need to find new ways to bring in money as soon as you can.

随着全球经济继续显示出疲软的迹象,广告行业显然正在遭受打击,需要抛弃传统观念。 如果广告是您唯一的收入来源,则需要寻找新的赚钱方式。

As a publisher, how has your ad revenue looked over the past quarter? How about compared with this time last year? We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.

作为发布商,您过去一个季度的广告收入如何? 与去年同期相比怎么样? 我们希望在下面的评论中听到您的经历。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-ad-prices-set-to-tumble/

