中央桌面将数据库API添加到Collaboration Suite

tech2024-04-03  88

Pasadena, California-based Central Desktop, which provides an SaaS collaboration and project management suite, is today announcing its “summer release,” which most prominently includes a new database API. The release is important because it will allow the three year old company’s 175,000 users to push data out to third party applications, and to suck data back in from external apps as well. The API will also enable third parties to create mini-apps that run inside Central Desktop workspaces.

提供SaaS协作和项目管理套件的加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市Central Desktop今天宣布其“夏季版本”,其中最突出的是包括一个新的数据库API。 该版本非常重要,因为它将允许成立三年的公司的17.5万用户将数据推送到第三方应用程序,以及从外部应用程序吸回数据。 该API还使第三方能够创建在Central Desktop工作区中运行的微型应用程序。

Founded in 2005, Central Desktop does about $2.5 million in sales per year, and hopes to grow that to $100 million in yearly revenue within 5 years. In order to realize that growth, the company took its first round of funding last March — $7 million from OpenView Venture Partners. Central Desktop operates in a crowded marketplace with 37signals, activeCollab, Huddle, and Microsoft, but scored a major public client this year when the campaign of US presidential candidate Barack Obama used their wiki-based software to organize volunteers in California and Texas.

成立于2005年的Central Desktop的年销售额约为250万美元,并希望在5年内将其年收入提高到1亿美元。 为了实现这一增长,该公司于去年3月进行了第一轮融资-来自OpenView Venture Partners的700万美元。 中央桌面在拥挤的市场中运作,拥有37signals , activeCollab , Huddle和Microsoft ,但今年当美国总统候选人巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选活动使用其基于Wiki的软件在加利福尼亚和德克萨斯州组织志愿者时,赢得了主要的公共客户。

The new API adds much-asked for functionality, CEO Isaac Garcia told me. Running contrary to the “less is more” mantra that many web application developers ascribe to, Garcia told me that his customers have been asking for more hooks into outside software and services, beyond the couple that the company already provides (Central Desktop hooks into EditGrid, for example). So the new database API will allow developers to import to and export data from Central Desktop.

CEO Isaac Garcia告诉我,新的API增加了对功能的要求。 与许多Web应用程序开发人员赋予的“少即是多”的口号相反,加西亚告诉我,他的客户一直在寻求对外部软件和服务的更多钩子,而该公司已经提供了这对夫妇(Central Desktop钩入了EditGrid) , 例如)。 因此,新的数据库API将允许开发人员从Central Desktop导入数据和从中导出数据。

Actually, the software has had built-in database creation tools for many months, but the data was for the most part siloed and stuck within Central Desktop. Importing and exporting data was a tedious, manual process. With the new dynamic database API, though, all that can be automated.

实际上,该软件已经内置了数月的内置数据库创建工具,但是数据大部分都被隔离并卡在了Central Desktop中。 导入和导出数据是一个繁琐的手动过程。 但是,有了新的动态数据库API,所有这些都可以自动化。

According to a press release, the new API can be used to accomplish the following:


Integrate third party data into Central Desktop workspace databases

将第三方数据集成到Central Desktop工作区数据库中 Auto-update Central Desktop Databases from integrated 3rd party applications

从集成的第三方应用程序自动更新中央桌面数据库 Query and export custom data sets from Central Desktop Databases

从中央桌面数据库查询和导出自定义数据集 Auto-import custom data sets into Central Desktop Database


Central Desktop is also releasing two mini-apps that will be part of the default install. Because two applications, a time tracking app and a help desk app, are built on top of the new database API, they’re editable from within Central Desktop. Garcia showed me how easy it was to add new fields to the database that the applications interact with, adding for example, a way to track expenses along with time.

Central Desktop还发布了两个小型应用程序,它们将作为默认安装的一部分。 由于两个应用程序(时间跟踪应用程序和帮助台应用程序)是在新的数据库API之上构建的,因此可以在Central Desktop中对其进行编辑。 Garcia向我展示了将新字段添加到与应用程序交互的数据库中是多么容易,例如,添加了一种跟踪费用随时间变化的方式。

I asked Garcia if the ultimate goal was to create something like the Salesforce.com platform (Central Desktop is actually a member of the Salesforce AppExchange) in which third parties would develop applications on top of Central Desktop and customers could pick and choose which to install. He told me that eventually, that very well could be the direction that developers take the API and he’d be happy with that.

我问加西亚,最终目的是否是要创建类似Salesforce.com平台(中央桌面实际上是Salesforce AppExchange的成员)之类的平台,在该平台中第三方将在中央桌面之上开发应用程序,客户可以选择安装哪个应用程序。 他告诉我,最终,这很可能是开发人员采用API的方向,他对此感到满意。

For now, though, the goal is to build hooks into the services that customers have asked for the most — such as the ability to interact with Quickbooks or import data from LinkedIn — and help customers build services themselves for sucking data from or pushing out data to external applications. Garcia said that Central Desktop has been speaking with a number of companies about building applications with the new API but couldn’t say who.

不过,目前的目标是在客户最需要的服务中建立钩子,例如与Quickbook交互或从LinkedIn导入数据的功能,并帮助客户自己构建服务以从中吸取数据或推出数据。外部应用程序。 Garcia说,Central Desktop已与许多公司就使用新API构建应用程序进行了交谈,但不能说是谁。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/central-desktop-database-api/
