mysql 迁移mysql

tech2024-04-04  91

mysql 迁移mysql

There are probably several ways to discuss migrating MySQL — however — the most rewarding was surely spending some time with Tyson Lowery. Lowery is the owner and administrator of, a fantasy baseball site.

讨论迁移MySQL可能有几种方法,但是,最值得肯定的是与Tyson Lowery一起度过了一段时间。 Lowery是幻想棒球网站simdynasty.com的所有者和管理员。

The site started as a hobby and testing ground while Lowery was a Java developer with General Electric. Now Lowery runs the site on a daily basis sans a day job and has shared some of his experiences in moving from MySQL 3 to 4. Check out the column here.

该网站起初是一个业余爱好和试验场,而Lowery是通用电气的Java开发人员。 现在,Lowery每天都在运行该站点,并且没有一天的工作,并且分享了他从MySQL 3迁移到4方面的一些经验。请查看此处的专栏文章 。

On a separate note – sorry for the short notice – but Slashdot noted that the request for comments on email authentication as an anti-spam measure expires tomorrow! Read about the summit at Groklaw, and also see the federal register notice attached to this post.

另外,Slashdot表示,对电子邮件身份验证作为一种反垃圾邮件措施的评论请求将于明天到期! 阅读有关格罗克劳(Groklaw)峰会的信息 ,并查看此职位所附的联邦公报通知。

(for those reading this in the blogs section — see the forum thread version here with a database poll and the attachment. (

(对于那些在“博客”部分中阅读此内容的人—请在此处查看论坛主题版本,其中包含数据库民意测验和附件。( )

Spam has been a thorn in many an admins side as they manage mail servers of all stripes. This is a chance to get your real world comments heard.

垃圾邮件在许多管理员方面都是一个棘手问题,因为他们管理着各种类型的邮件服务器。 这是一个让您听到现实世界评论的机会。


mysql 迁移mysql
