MySQL 4.1二进制日志名称更改

tech2024-04-04  101

We recently made the jump to MySQL 4.1 at SitePoint and it’s mostly been smooth sailing. Though I have to admit that it hasn’t offered any of the performance increases that I had hoped for.

我们最近在SitePoint上跳到了MySQL 4.1,并且运行起来非常顺畅。 尽管我不得不承认它并没有提供我希望的性能提升。

Just a heads up – as I’ve not seen this covered anywhere yet – that the default filenames created by the binary logger have changed.

提醒一下-我尚未看到任何内容- 二进制记录器创建的默认文件名已更改。

In all prior versions, they were of this format:


Where xxx increments by 1 every time the logs are rotated. 001, 002, 003, etc.

每次旋转日志时,xxx都会增加1。 001、002、003等。

(Note that the “mysql_update_log” prefix is configurable)

(请注意,“ mysql_update_log”前缀是可配置的)

In MySQL 4.1, however, they are of this format: mysql_update_log.xxxxxx

但是,在MySQL 4.1中,它们的格式为: mysql_update_log.xxxxxx

The point obviously being to cater for installations that reset the counter a lot less frequently than we do. We never get beyond 30 before a complete snapshot and a restart of update logging.

显然,要点是迎合比我们更不频繁地重置计数器的安装。 在完整快照和重新启动更新日志记录之前,我们永远不会超过30岁。

This of course broke our script that compresses these (enormous) logfiles for backup purposes and required a little Friday hack to get back on track.


No mention of this behavioural change in the 4.0 -> 4.1 upgrade FAQ.

在4.0-> 4.1 升级常见问题中未提及此行为更改。

