
tech2024-04-05  79


Not to blow our own trumpet (most of you know anyway) but earlier this year we published a pretty awesome book. Of course ALL of our books are awesome, so let’s just say that this book is super awesome. You’d know it as The Principles of Beautiful Web Design written by Jason “the designer man” Beaird…

不要吹小号(反正大多数人都知道),但是今年初我们出版了一本很棒的书。 当然,所有的我们的书是真棒,让我们只想说,这本书是超级真棒。 您会知道这是由Jason“设计师” Beaird撰写的《 美丽的网页设计原理 》。

No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t improve on Jason’s magnificent authoring job, so we’ve decided to do something a little different. I’d like to introduce you to…

无论我们多么努力,我们都无法改善Jason出色的创作工作,因此我们决定做一些不同的事情。 我想把你介绍给…

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design – Hardcover Signature Edition


Yep, that’s right: this brilliant book is being released in super-durable and simply gorgeous hardcover format…


Don’t bother looking in your local bookstore or Amazon — these puppies are exclusive to sitepoint.com, and they’ll hit our warehouse on December 17.


There are only 1000 signature editions arriving, and we’re giving you, the SitePoint faithful, a chance to get in first!


Place your order before the 17th and it’ll be shipped the second the books arrive. The sooner you order, the more cash you’ll save…

请在17日之前下订单,并在第二本书到货时发货。 订购越早,您节省的现金就越多……

Here’s how it’ll work:


Order by December 3 and pay only US $39.95 (save 20%)

在12月3日之前订购,只需支付39.95美元(节省20%) Order by December 16 pay only US $44.95 (save 10%)

12月16日之前的订单只需支付US $ 44.95(节省10%) Or you can pay the full price from December 17 onwards of US $49.95 (and save nothing!)

或者,您也可以从12月17日起全额支付US $ 49.95(并且不节省任何费用!)

To sweeten the deal, you’ll also get a FREE PDF copy of the book (worth $29.95) and a FREE color reference card (worth $9.95) with every order.


Now I don’t need to convince anyone how good this book is — the 10,000 copies we sold in the first month are proof enough. Or perhaps the hundreds of positive reviews from people like you tell the story. There’s no denying it, this book rocks!

现在,我不需要说服任何人这本书有多好-我们在第一个月售出的10,000册就足以证明这一点。 也许像您这样的人发表了数百篇正面评论,讲述了这个故事。 不可否认,这本书令人震惊!

Here’s my favourite customer quote: “The chapter on color is worth the full cost of the book but then the rest is just icing. Really, really good icing.” Matt Gromes.

这是我最喜欢的客户名言:“颜色这一章值得一本书的全部费用,但是其余的只是锦上添花。 真的,真的很好。” 马特·格罗姆斯。

Perfect for your coffee table, or to replace your existing overworked copy, this signature edition also makes the ideal gift for a friend or colleague.


Be a part of SitePoint history by owning an exclusive copy of our first-ever hardcover book.


Secure your copy now!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/who-said-beautiful-web-design-was-hard/

