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tech2024-04-05  85

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Emulating Y Combinator‘s small, seed-stage investments and focus on team building has been a popular route for early stage Web 2.0 investors over the past few years. It now takes at least two hands to count the number of “YC clones” in operation. There’s TechStars in Denver Boulder, Colorado, there’s Seedcamp in London, UK, YEurope in Vienna, Austria, Summer@Highland in Lexington, Massachusetts, LaunchBox in Washington, DC, Founder’s Co-Op in Seattle, Washington, DreamIt Ventures in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Bootup Labs in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Bootphase in Atlanta, Georgia (though it seems still unlaunched), CIIE iAccelerator in Gujarat, India, and probably others.

在过去的几年中,模仿Y Combinator的少量,初期阶段的投资并专注于团队建设一直是早期Web 2.0投资者的流行途径。 现在至少需要两只手来计算操作中的“ YC克隆”的数量。 还有的TechStars在丹佛科罗拉多州博尔德市,有Seedcamp在英国伦敦, YEurope在奥地利维也纳, 夏季@高地莱克星顿,马萨诸塞州, LaunchBox在华盛顿特区, 方正的合作社在华盛顿州西雅图, DreamIt Ventures公司在费城,宾夕法尼亚,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市的Bootup Labs ,佐治亚州亚特兰大的Bootphase (虽然似乎尚未启动),印度古吉拉特邦的CIIE iAccelerator以及其他公司。

Phew! The list seems to grow every couple of months. Earlier this month we even advised that Microsoft should attempt something similar and invest small amounts of money in, and provide guidance to, teams of young web entrepreneurs.

! 该列表似乎每隔几个月增加一次。 本月初,我们甚至建议Microsoft应该尝试类似的事情 ,并向年轻的Web企业家团队投资少量资金并提供指导。

Today, I came across a link to a new YC-like investment out of Lexington, Kentucky called Awesome Inc that intends to launch at the beginning of next year and target the mobile web application space. Details are hazy, but there are a few things about Awesome that throw up some red flags.

今天,我遇到了一个与肯塔基州列克星敦市类似YC的新投资的链接,名为AwesomeInc。该投资计划于明年年初启动,目标是移动Web应用程序空间。 细节模糊不清,但是关于Awesome的一些事情引发了一些危险。

First, the site’s contact us page is ominously devoid of any actual contact info (one of the reasons details are hazy — I had no way to contact the program’s founders for more information). The mid-90s-style DotNetNuke site design doesn’t inspire much confidence, either.

首先,该网站的“ 与我们联系”页面几乎没有任何实际的联系信息(原因是细节模糊不清,其中之一是我无法与该计划的创建者联系以获取更多信息)。 90年代中期的DotNetNuke网站设计也没有激发太大的信心。

But what really makes Awesome Inc sound strange is a sentence on the Details page of the site explaining the program: “During the first week each participant will be oriented to their living space, office/work space, hosting services, administrative assistant, and reality TV crew and cameras.” (Emphasis added.)

但是真正使Awesome Inc听起来奇怪的是该网站的“ 详细信息”页面上的一句话,该程序解释了该计划:“在第一周,每个参与者将针对他们的生活空间,办公室/工作空间,托管服务,行政助理和现实。电视工作人员和摄像头 。” (强调)。

Nothing else on the site mentions that participants will be filmed. The founders’ introductory blog post claims that their goal with Awesome is to “create a more tech-savvie [sic] Lexington, while connecting people so that entrepreneurs and people from the tech community can accomplish their dreams and really bring their ideas to the limelight.” Attempting to build a tech community around Lexington makes some sense — it’s a university town (University of Kentucky) with a lot of money due to its history as a center for thoroughbred horse racing — but does “limelight” mean “reality TV?”

该网站上没有其他任何内容提及参与者将被拍摄。 创始人的介绍性博客文章称,他们与Awesome的目标是“创建更具技术意识的列克星敦,同时将人们联系在一起,以便企业家和技术社区的人们能够实现梦想,并将他们的想法真正引人注目。” 尝试在列克星敦附近建立一个技术社区是有道理的-它是一座大学城(肯塔基大学),由于其作为良种赛马中心的历史而有很多钱-但是“ limelight”是否意味着“现实电视”?

The reality TV startup has actually been tried before. About a year ago, a web-only reality show called The Next Internet Millionaire (think “Survivor” for wannabe startup entrepreneurs) made its debut to a lukewarm reception. A year later, the first episode has just under 100,000 views, and the viewership appears to have steadily declined as the series progressed (the final episode has just 43,000 views and many have under 20,000).

真人秀电视创业公司实际上已经尝试过。 大约一年前,一个名为“下一个互联网百万富翁” (仅是想成为创业企业家的“幸存者”)的纯网络真人秀首次亮相就受到冷遇。 一年后,第一集的观看次数不到100,000,并且随着系列的发展,收视率似乎在稳步下降(最后一集只有43,000的观看次数,而许多都低于20,000)。

Other than that, Awesome Inc seems fairly standard — entrepreneurs are apparently to be given housing, office space, and other support, as well as meals and a stipend of an unspecified amount. Guidance will come in the form of weekly talks from a “thought leader, industry expert, and/or founder of a successful mobile technology company.” There’s no mention of how much of a stake Awesome plans to take in companies it funds.

除此之外,Awesome Inc似乎还算是标准的-显然,企业家会得到住房,办公空间和其他支持,以及伙食和未指定数额的津贴。 指导将以“思想领袖,行业专家和/或成功的移动技术公司的创始人”每周一次的演讲形式出现。 没有提及Awesome计划收购其所资助的公司多少股权。

There’s also some rather sketchy sounding language on the page that explains how Awesome Inc will work for investors:

页面上还有一些听起来很粗略的语言,它解释了Awesome Inc将如何为投资者服务:

Option Investors fall into two categories: Option ‘A’ and Option ‘B’. Option ‘A’ investors can make investments in increments of $20,000 (with a maximum of $200,000), and will receive a small stake in the company of their choice. Option ‘B’ investors can make investments in increments of $10,000 (with a maximum of $100,000), and will not receive any initial ownership, but will receive a seat at the initial pitch day. The number of total option investors will be limited to 10-15 total.

期权投资者分为两类:期权“ A”和期权“ B”。 期权“ A”的投资者可以以20,000美元(最高为200,000美元)的增量进行投资,并将获得他们所选择的公司的一小部分股份。 选项“ B”的投资者可以10,000美元(最高100,000美元)的增量进行投资,不会获得任何初始所有权,但会在最初的推销日获得席位。 期权投资者的总数将限制为10-15人。

Why anyone would want to drop $10,000 just to hear a few pitches is beyond me (and it doesn’t sound like investing more than ten grand gets you anything extra). Either way, the point here is that while seed-stage funds like Y Combinator, Seedcamp, and TechStars have a track record of successfully bringing companies through their program, there are more and more of these programs opening up and entrepreneurs should approach them with caution. I’d avoid Awesome Inc until a ton more details are posted about how it will operate and who is behind it.

为什么有人会愿意花一万美元只是为了听听一些音高,这超出了我的价值(听起来不像投资十个以上的宏伟就能为您带来额外的收益)。 无论哪种方式,这里的重点是,尽管像Y Combinator,Seedcamp和TechStars这样的种子期基金拥有成功地使公司参与其计划的记录,但越来越多的此类计划正在开放,企业家应谨慎对待它们。 。 在发布有关该产品的运行方式以及背后的支持者的更多详细信息之前,我会避免使用AwesomeInc。


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