OSCON 2007:人员入侵

tech2024-04-05  83

Adam Keys is a software developer and writer. His blog is at therealadam.com.

Adam Keys是一位软件开发人员和作家。 他的博客位于therealadam.com 。

In this talk, Adam presented a number of methods for effective advocacy and for getting along with other developers. In other words, interacting with people is as important as interacting with hardware or software. Problems in this sphere have no technical solution — they require a social one. Thus, the idea of ‘people hacking.’

在这次演讲中,Adam提出了许多有效的倡导方法以及与其他开发人员相处的方法。 换句话说,与人进行交互与与硬件或软件进行交互一样重要。 这个领域的问题没有技术解决方案,需要社会解决方案。 因此,“人们黑客”的想法。

People hacking is not rooted in nefarious black-hat hacking, but simply in using tools of social jujutsu (sometimes on yourself, even) to gain traction for ideas you’re trying to advocate. Paying more attention to the people side of things can help you build the kind of integrated, smoothly functioning team capable of executing (to borrow a basketball metaphor) the “no-look pass.”

人们的黑客攻击并非源于邪恶的黑帽黑客攻击,而仅仅是通过使用社交柔术(有时甚至是您自己)来吸引您要提倡的想法。 更加注重人性化可以帮助您组建一支整合,运作良好的团队,能够执行(借用篮球的比喻)“无视通行证”。

A few sample ideas included:


Simply smiling — makes yourself and people around you feel more positive

只是微笑—使自己和周围的人变得更加积极 Avoid negativity — try the ABBA Method (see the slides for details)

避免负面影响-尝试使用ABBA方法(有关详细信息,请参见幻灯片) Avoid criticism

避免批评 Compliment before criticizing


Some ideas followed about how to deal with jerks in your organization, including the simple-but-effective “No Asshole Rule” (from the book of the same name) that encourages a zero-tolerance toward asshole behavior in your group — even from so-called superstar programmers.


Adam also encouraged a little self-evaluation to determine if your yourself may be a recovering jerk, and that by focusing on improving your ability to working well with those around you, you can also reform yourself.


Adam has his slides available online here.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/oscon-2007-people-hacks/
