Mac OS X上的PostgreSQL 8.01

tech2024-04-05  73

Druware has released a Mac OS X installer with additional tools for PostgreSQL 8.01. The developer’s web site did not have the latest build – however – you can grab it at Version Tracker.

Druware发布了Mac OS X安装程序,其中包含适用于PostgreSQL 8.01的其他工具。 开发人员的网站没有最新版本-但是,您可以在Version Tracker上获取它。

Similar to what Marc Liyanage has done with MySQL, PHP and other tools for the Mac, Druware makes PostgreSQL accessible to the platform. This is done in part by installing into the Panther hierarchy, allowing users to view database logs in the and providing a GUI interface. Druware hopes to evolve the GUI over time in Microsoft Management Console style (think MS SQL Server GUI).

与Marc Liyanage在Mac上使用MySQL,PHP和其他工具进行的操作类似,Druware使PostgreSQL可以访问该平台。 这部分是通过安装到Panther层次结构中完成的,允许用户在console.app中查看数据库日志并提供GUI界面。 Druware希望随着时间的推移以Microsoft管理控制台样式(例如MS SQL Server GUI)改进GUI。

