
tech2024-04-05  84


I had a few minutes spare last night, and created a mini-focal piece for phireworx.com and the Flash Anthology book using a small video clip and some winky effects in After Effects 6.5. The effect is simple and to the point, but uses some complex keyframing to achieve the desired effect.

昨晚我有几分钟的空闲时间,并使用一个小视频剪辑和After Effects 6.5中的一些眨眼效果为phireworx.com和Flash Anthology图书创建了一个微型对焦片段 。 效果很简单,而且很关键,但是使用了一些复杂的关键帧来达到所需的效果。

What I’m driving at here is your usage of Video in Flash, so lets have a quick straw poll on your video usage in Flash.


1. Do you use Flash video in Flash MX+?

1.您是否在Flash MX +中使用Flash视频?

2. Do you use post processing such as After Effects to glamorize / correct the final video?

2.您是否使用After Effects等后期处理来美化/校正最终视频?

If you answered ‘No’ to question 2, then is this because you have no need, or you lack the pieces of the jigsaw to do it?


I’m considering writing a tutorial on Video in general with a focus on post processing before the Video gets into Flash. Would you guys want such a tutorial, or is it a little too niche?

我正在考虑总体上编写有关视频的教程,重点是在视频进入Flash之前的后期处理。 你们想要这样的教程,还是有点小众?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/flash-video-and-learning-curves/

