
tech2024-04-05  75


Public Radio International, known to many in the US as a partner to National Public Radio, has taken the term ‘open source’ to a new level in its global radio programming.

公共国际广播电台 ,知道许多在美国为全国公共广播电台的合作伙伴,采取术语“开源”到一个新的水平,其全球广播节目。

The organization, possibly best known for its show The World, which brings an international flavor of news and features to the US,launched a new talk show format online in July.


Talk shows have long already been successful largely based on audience participation – PRI tapped the open source philosophy by leveraging the community of listeners to truly drive content and improve show quality. This has been done through a live Internet radio show, podcast and user community-based blog combo.

脱口秀节目早已在很大程度上取决于观众的参与,因此很成功-PRI通过利用听众社区来真正推动内容发展和提高节目质量,从而利用了开源哲学。 这是通过现场Internet广播节目,播客和基于用户社区的博客组合来完成的。

As we have discussed before – the BBC has started down a similar road as well (though not using the same methods, yet).

正如我们之前讨论的那样, 英国广播公司(BBC)也已经走了一条类似的道路 (尽管目前尚未使用相同的方法)。

I find it fascinating that the momentum of open source is now trickling outside of technology spheres and impacting our everyday language and life. More importantly, this may be returning to the original philosophy of open source from years ago- an open and free exchange of knowledge and ideas (without needing to pay for a support contract).

我发现令人着迷的是,开源的势头现在正在技术领域之外蔓延,并正在影响我们的日常语言和生活。 更重要的是,这可能会回到多年前的原始开源哲学-知识和思想的开放和自由交换(无需支付支持合同)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-becoming-more-than-software/

