
tech2024-04-06  85


Sharpen your pencils, dust off your keyboards, and put on your thinking caps — the Web Developer’s Quiz is coming.

削铅笔,擦掉键盘上的灰尘,戴上思想帽— Web开发人员测验即将到来。

那么这是怎么回事? (So what’s this all about?)

There’s no question that being a web developer is incredibly complicated. Most of us know the in’s and out’s of enough acronyms to choke a government agency: HTML, CSS, AJAX, SQL, XML, JSON, HTTP… Being a jack-of-all-trades is in the job description.

毫无疑问,作为一名Web开发人员会非常复杂。 我们大多数人都知道足够多的首字母缩略词来压制政府机构:HTML,CSS,AJAX,SQL,XML,JSON,HTTP…在工作描述中千方百计。

Piecing all these disparate technologies together often feels like doing a complicated jigsaw puzzle. For many of us, the best part of being a web geek is that “aha!” moment when the puzzle is finally solved.

将所有这些不同的技术拼凑在一起通常感觉就像做一个复杂的拼图游戏。 对于我们许多人来说,成为网络怪胎的最大好处就是“啊哈!” 难题终于解决的那一刻。

But the brain’s a muscle: stop exercising it and it’ll atrophy. This quiz is designed to keep your web development brain strong; each week, I’ll post a question that only a web developer should be able to solve.

但是大脑是一块肌肉:停止锻炼它会萎缩。 此测验旨在使您的Web开发头脑更强大; 每周,我都会发布一个问题,只有网络开发人员才能解决。

Since we all have such a disparate set of skills, I’ll aim to make these questions accessible to any web developer by focusing on the tools and technologies that we all know. I’ll usually post questions on Tuesday, and then post a follow-up with the answer over the weekend.

由于我们所有人都有着完全不同的技能,因此我将致力于通过专注于我们都知道的工具和技术,使任何Web开发人员都可以解决这些问题。 我通常会在星期二发布问题,然后在周末发布后续的答案。

认识你的测验大师 (Meet your quizmaster)

My name is Jacob Kaplan-Moss; I’m the lead developer at the Lawrence Journal-World, a family-owned newspaper in Lawrence, KS. If my name looks familiar, it’s probably because I’m also one of the lead developers of Django, an open-source web framework (which was just featured in a SitePoint tutorial written by a coworker of mine).

我叫雅各布·卡普兰·莫斯; 我是堪萨斯州劳伦斯市一家家族报纸《劳伦斯日记世界》的首席开发人员。 如果我的名字看起来很熟悉,那可能是因为我也是Django的主要开发人员之一,这是一个开放源代码的Web框架(我的一位同事编写的SitePoint教程中对此进行了介绍 )。

This is my first gig hosting a quiz show (yeah, a virtual one, but still…), but that doesn’t mean I’ll go easy; expect these questions to be as hard as I can make ’em.

这是我第一次主持测验节目(是的,是虚拟的,但仍然……),但这并不意味着我会轻松的。 希望这些问题尽可能地使我难以解决。

在收到这些消息后返回… (Back after these messages…)

So tune in tomorrow for the first question — a bit of a warm up to set the tone for questions to come.


See you there!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/welcome-2/

