ssh 深度学习

tech2024-04-06  82

ssh 深度学习

No matter how long I am immersed in a particular technology, I find I can learn something new everyday. That is perhaps one of the joys of being a citizen of geekdom.

无论我沉迷于特定技术多长时间,我都能每天学习新知识。 这也许是成为极客公民的乐趣之一。

I came across Brian Hatch’s piece at that is the beginning of an in-depth series on SSH. Mr. Hatch starts perfectly with a rundown on SSH host keys, usage, verification and configuration techniques.

我在SecurityFocus.com上遇到了Brian Hatch的文章,这是SSH深入系列文章的开始。 Hatch先生从对SSH主机密钥,用法,验证和配置技术的详尽介绍开始就完美了。

You can never read enough about security and though I know someone else coined the phrase “paranoia breeds confidence” – it is a great mantra when protecting customer and corporate assets.


Hatch’s bio is quite nice, being the author of Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition among other publications.

Hatch的传记非常不错,他是《 Hacking Linux Exposed,第二版》的作者。


ssh 深度学习
