开源 web ide

tech2024-04-07  93

开源 web ide

The emergence and now near dominance of sophisticated WYSIWYG editors has been a source of pleasure and pain for web designers and developers. Tools such as Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive and even Microsoft’s Front Page have saved countless hours utilizing templating and other automation functions.

先进的所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器的出现和如今的统治地位,一直是Web设计师和开发人员感到高兴和痛苦的源泉。 Macromedia Dreamweaver,Adobe GoLive甚至Microsoft的Front Page等工具都通过模板和其他自动化功能节省了无数小时。

One central part of the success of these editors has been the integrated development environment (IDE) that includes remote publishing, file and revision management, ties to other applications such as image editors and access to underlying source code.


There are pros and cons for each, and I must admit my own bias toward Dreamweaver, having used it since 1999 on Mac and Windows platforms. One of my main complaints has nothing to do with the editors other than I cannot run them on my primary Linux development workstation. That problem appears to be somewhat resolved courtesy of NVU.

每种都有优点和缺点,我必须承认我对Dreamweaver的偏见,自1999年以来在Mac和Windows平台上使用它。 我的主要抱怨之一与编辑器无关,除了我不能在主要的Linux开发工作站上运行它们之外。 NVU似乎已经解决了该问题。

NVU, built off of the Mozilla Composer’s source base, is a new open source solution that spans multiple operating systems (Windows, Macintosh and Linux) — however — its primary goal is a comprehensive IDE for Linux.

NVU是基于Mozilla Composer的源代码而构建的,是一种跨多个操作系统(Windows,Macintosh和Linux)的新的开源解决方案-但是,其主要目标是针对Linux的综合IDE。

Funded by Linspire, the project is led by former AOL/Netscape developer Daniel Glazman and the IDE looks like an excellent starting point. It features many of the same functions and capability as those commercial solutions, including complex CSS and JavaScript editing, tabbed workspaces, a site manager for publishing to multiple locations within the editing environment and more.

该项目由Linspire资助,由前AOL / Netscape开发人员Daniel Glazman领导,IDE似乎是一个很好的起点。 它具有许多与商业解决方案相同的功能,包括复杂CSS和JavaScript编辑,选项卡式工作区,用于发布到编辑环境中多个位置的站点管理器等等。

The NVU web site states the program supports templating capabilities – however – in loading and using the software I have yet to find a clear method. Though it does not need to necessarily mimic, for example, the Dreamweaver method of templating, Macromedia does handle templates quite well. While we can all template on our own using either the native include functions of Apache and other web servers or a scripting language, a widget of some sort for templating internal to NVU would be fantastic.

NVU网站指出该程序支持模板功能-但是,在加载和使用软件方面,我尚未找到明确的方法。 尽管不一定要模仿,例如Dreamweaver的模板方法,Macromedia确实能很好地处理模板。 虽然我们都可以使用Apache和其他Web服务器的本地包含功能或脚本语言来单独使用所有模板,但是用于在NVU内部进行模板化的某种小部件将是很棒的。

If NVU hopes to pull over more and more developers to the tool, perhaps a path to migrate templating from those aforementioned tools would also be a valuable add-in.


Being an open source project, I am sure NVU will also welcome those who can contribute to the IDE. Along with templating, perhaps an integrated ODBC connection manager, type ahead libraries and native support for sftp (although one could use MindTerm to resolve that).

作为一个开源项目,我确信NVU也将欢迎那些可以为IDE做出贡献的人。 除了模板,也许还有一个集成的ODBC连接管理器,预先输入的库和对sftp的本机支持(尽管可以使用MindTerm来解决该问题)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/powerful-open-source-web-editor-ide/

开源 web ide
