
tech2024-04-07  86


For all you Flash MX 2004 Professional users out there, Macromedia has added a new weapon in the arsenal for web video integration.

对于所有Flash MX 2004 Professional用户,Macromedia都在武器库中添加了用于网络视频集成的新武器。

Via a Dreamweaver MX 2004 extension, the Flash Video Kit allows the easy addition of streaming / progressive video download

通过Dreamweaver MX 2004扩展,Flash Video Kit可以轻松添加流/逐行视频下载

The good news is, for users who purchase and register online before September 30th 2004 will receive the video kit for free, for everyone else, the kit costs $49 and is available from here

好消息是,对于2004年9月30日之前在线购买和注册的用户,将免费获得该视频套件,对于其他所有人,该套件的价格为49美元, 可从此处购买

The kit includes four components: a Flash Video extension for Dreamweaver; a special version of Sorenson Squeeze that converts common video file formats into Flash Video format (FLV); a free 15-day trial of Flash Video Streaming Service powered by VitalStream that allows customers to harness all the power of streaming Flash Video without the need to install and maintain their own servers; and an introductory guide to deploying video online.

该工具包包括四个组件:用于Dreamweaver的Flash视频扩展; Sorenson Squeeze的特殊版本,可将常见的视频文件格式转换为Flash Video格式(FLV); 由VitalStream提供支持的Flash Video Streaming Service的15天免费试用,使客户可以利用Flash Media Streaming的所有功能,而无需安装和维护自己的服务器; 以及在线部署视频的入门指南。

The Flash Video Gallery Macromedia produced a few months ago, has received an update, and can be seen here as an insight into what can be accomplished with the use of integrated video techniques

几个月前制作的Flash Video Gallery Macromedia已得到更新,在这里可以看作是对使用集成视频技术可以完成的工作的深入了解

Certainly sounds something to consider, take a further peek inside and see what it has to offer, I’ll certainly be doing that later today!

当然,您应该考虑一些事情, 深入了解一下它所提供的功能,我一定会在今天晚些时候这样做!


