
tech2024-04-07  85


Ok this goes out to all you ColdFusion people who have a lick of talent, which based on this readership is everyone!


Did you know SitePoint pays for ColdFusion articles? That’s right you can write an article on a ColdFusion topic and you’ll get cold hard cash, ok it won’t be cold or hard because it’s all done electronically but you know what I’m getting at.

您知道SitePoint为ColdFusion文章付费吗? 没错,您可以写一篇有关ColdFusion主题的文章,并且会得到冷钱,好吧,这不会冷或辛苦,因为它们都是电子方式完成的,但是您知道我的意思。

So why am I telling you this? Because as much as I like to see my name in lights, and as much as I like to see my mug up on the SitePoint pages. I know I’m not the end all, be all of ColdFusion writers.

那我为什么要告诉你呢? 因为我喜欢在灯光下看到我的名字,也喜欢在SitePoint页面上看到我的杯子。 我知道我还不是全部,成为ColdFusion作家的全部。

So what’s the catch? There isn’t one, well almost. The articles have to be good articles, please no jokes about my content, and Kevin our illustrious technical editor has to give them his stamp of approval.

那么有什么收获呢? 几乎没有一个。 这些文章必须是好文章,请不要对我的内容开玩笑,我们杰出的技术编辑Kevin不得不给他们盖章。

So what constitutes a “good” article to Mr. Yank?


Our writing guidelines cover it pretty thoroughly. We look for strong writing skills, a Web-related subject that isn’t already covered on SitePoint, a practical outcome that readers can actually use, best practice, standards-compliant solutions. –kyank

我们的写作指南非常全面地介绍了它。 我们寻求强大的写作技巧,SitePoint尚未涵盖的与Web相关的主题,读者可以实际使用的实际成果,最佳实践,符合标准的解决方案。 –kyank

Don’t think you can “write” a good article? I think you are wrong! Afraid you can’t get your point across eloquently? Again I think you are wrong!

不认为您可以“写”出好文章吗? 我认为你错了! 害怕您无法雄辩地表达观点吗? 我再次认为你错了!

How do I know you are wrong, because you haven’t tried yet. So here’s the deal, write up your article to the best of your ability and then email it to me at gigado AT gmail DOT com. I’ll review it and give you my thoughts and edits. You then make the changes and send it off to the super editor Georgina where she’ll work her magic to get it in front of the great geek Kevin.

我怎么知道你错了,因为你还没有尝试过。 因此,这是一笔交易,请尽您所能撰写您的文章,然后通过gigado AT gmail DOT com通过电子邮件将其发送给我。 我将对其进行审核,并为您提供我的想法和修改内容。 然后,您进行更改,并将其发送给超级编辑Georgina ,她将在其中发挥自己的魔力,将其呈现在伟大的怪胎Kevin面前。

It’s easy trust me! Besides it looks good on your resume / portfolio and often do you get to tell someone that you’re published?

很容易相信我! 此外,它在您的简历/投资组合上看起来不错,而且您经常会告诉别人您已被公开吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/you-looking-at-me/

