
tech2024-04-07  74


The Center for Strategic and International Studies has just released a survey of the number and type of open source software policies around the world. This includes data on recommendations and legislation at varying stages within national, regional or local governments.

战略与国际研究中心刚刚发布了一份有关全球开源软件政策的数量和类型的调查报告。 这包括有关国家,地区或地方政府不同阶段的建议和立法的数据。

While no major policies of substance have made it beyond discussion stages (and perhaps we should not encourage the ‘legislation’ of technology use) — it is good to see so many serious conversations about the use of open source.


As has been discussed in this blog before, it is the application of the proper solution, open source or proprietary, that is the sought result, not just the use of open source because it is open source.


However, I do believe those involved in the use of open solutions have found it far more flexible and powerful in many cases – thus the rousing interest in how open platforms could benefit governmental systems internationally.


By better knowing the pulse of your region’s purview on open source, this could lead to sales and marketing opportunities to governmental bodies for your business. And as a kudos to Andrew’s excellent advice on sales and marketing, use some of his tips to tackle these new opportunities.

通过更好地了解您所在地区对开源的了解的脉搏,可以为您的企业带来向政府机构的销售和营销机会。 为了赞扬安德鲁在销售和市场营销方面的出色建议,请利用他的一些技巧来应对这些新机遇。

Download the pdf here. (http://www.practicalapplications.net/kb/0408_ospolicies.pdf)

在此处下载pdf 。 ( http://www.practicalapplications.net/kb/0408_ospolicies.pdf )

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/international-review-of-open-source-policies/

