
tech2022-08-05  183

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor刚坐下,擅长奉献精英,seu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Labore et dolore magna aliqua。

How are you enjoying this article so far? Whatever your feelings, I’ll bet you’ll agree that content is a vital part of the user experience.

到目前为止,您感觉如何? 无论您有什么感觉,我敢打赌您都会同意,内容是用户体验的重要组成部分。

Wait. Did I say “a vital part”? I meant “the critical part”. After all, every user journey, whatever its goal, ultimately involves a user getting to content, or adding their own. That content may be text, like this article, or it may be imagery, video, audio — you name it. But whatever it is, it’s the point of the user’s interaction with every site or product.

等待。 我是否说过“至关重要的部分”? 我的意思是“关键部分”。 毕竟,无论其目标是什么,每次用户旅程最终都会涉及到用户获取内容或添加自己的内容。 该内容可能是文本(如本文),也可能是图像,视频,音频-随便命名。 但是,无论它是什么,这都是用户与每个站点或产品进行交互的重点。

Yet traditionally (and all too often still) when we design websites or make products, we design visually, and the content spaces are left blank. If you’re doing things as most do, you’re probably going to show the wireframes or mockups to someone internal — maybe even your founder — and ask them to fill the spaces.

然而,传统上(并且经常如此),当我们设计网站或制作产品时,我们进行视觉设计,而内容空间留为空白。 如果您像大多数人一样在做事情,您可能会向内部人员(甚至是您的创始人)展示线框或模型,并要求他们填补空白。

Ugh. At least, that’s what your colleague is probably thinking at this point. Now they have the burden and responsibility of filling the literal and metaphorical blank page — but a blank page that already has a goal or direction they’ve had no part in choosing.

啊。 至少,这是您的同事现在所考虑的。 现在,他们负有填充文字和隐喻空白页的负担和责任,但是空白页已经有目标或方向,因此他们没有参与选择。

Here I’m going to suggest an alternative way to consider content, where content is UX.


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想要从头开始学习UX吗? 借助SitePoint Premium,可以获得有关UX设计书籍的完整集合,包括基础知识,项目,技巧和工具等。 立即加入,每月只需$ 9 。

1.内容如何成为UX? (1. How Can Content Be UX?)

I said above that content is the critical part of the UX. Let’s build on that now.

我在上面说过,内容是用户体验的关键部分。 让我们现在就以此为基础。

Content is user experience.


Look at a site like YouTube. The landing page is a list of content. Even better, that content is presented based on your (or my) past usage patterns. The data associated with that content — the image, title, name of the account that uploaded the media, total views and upload date — is also content. When you access a video, the comments beneath it are content.

看看YouTube之类的网站 。 登陆页面是内容列表。 更好的是,该内容是根据您(或我)过去的使用模式来呈现的。 与该内容相关的数据(图像,标题,上传媒体的帐户名称,总观看次数和上传日期)也是内容。 当您访问视频时,其下方的评论即为内容。

It’s all content. Content is the user experience. It’s what we’re here to use.

全部内容。 内容就是用户体验。 这就是我们在这里使用的东西。

Okay, you say, but it’s YouTube. My product isn’t content.

好的,您说的就是YouTube 。 我的产品不满意。

Fine, let’s consider the example of a new computer. I just had to replace mine after six years of trusty service. I got a MacBook Air, and it came in a lovely box. Nice user experience. Other than the actual computer, there’s not much content here, right?

好的,让我们考虑一台新计算机的示例。 经过六年的可信赖服务,我只需要更换我的。 我有一台MacBook Air,它装在一个可爱的盒子里。 良好的用户体验。 除了实际的计算机外,这里没有太多内容,对吧?

Well, no. But then I open the box, plug the thing in, and notice these little leaflets tucked away.

好吧,不。 但是,然后我打开盒子,把东西塞进去,然后注意到这些小传单被藏起来了。

I’ve included the matchbox for a size comparison. I wear glasses, but I felt like I needed a magnifying glass to read the leaflet titled MacBook Air Info. In fact, I only read the first sentence (which hurt my eyes):

我包括了火柴盒以进行尺寸比较。 我戴着眼镜,但是我觉得我需要一个放大镜才能阅读标题为MacBook Air Info的传单。 实际上,我只读了第一句话(这伤了我的眼睛):

Review the Macbook Air Essentials guide before using MacBook Air.

在使用MacBook Air之前,请查看Macbook Air Essentials指南。

“Right you are, Apple,” I thought.


But what’s this? The only other leaflet in the box is a MacBook Air Quick Start Guide. Is … is that what they meant? I hope so, because it has slightly bigger text, and it was the only other thing I glanced through before I turned on my thrilling new purchase.

那是什么 包装盒中唯一的其他传单是MacBook Air快速入门指南 。 是……这是什么意思吗? 我希望如此,因为它的文字略大,这是我打开激动人心的新商品之前浏览过的唯一一件事。

Question: how am I ever going to start creating glorious content on that device, or access the glorious content accessible on the Web, if I can’t read the instruction content to get said device going? If I don’t need the content to get it work, then why include these crazy-tiny, unreadable leaflets with the product in the first place?

问题:如果我无法阅读说明内容以使所述设备正常运行,我将如何开始在该设备上创建光彩的内容,或访问Web上可访问的光彩内容? 如果我不需要这些内容来使它正常工作,那么为什么要在产品中首先包含这些疯狂的,不可读的传单?

This experience doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence, nor the idea that Apple cares about actual people. Sure, the packaging is nice. But right now it feels like the business is in love with its own products more than its users.

这种经历并没有使我充满信心,也没有使Apple关心实际的人的想法。 当然,包装很好。 但是现在,感觉就像是企业更爱自己的产品,而不是用户。

Bottom line: content is user experience. Even in the Real World™.

底线:内容就是用户体验。 即使在Real World™中。

2.内容或用户体验是先出现的? (2. Which Comes First, Content or UX?)

Neither. Business and user goals come first, and they dictate what you need to develop: content, and opportunities for users to interact and add content. Obviously, from that point, a writer is as essential as a designer or researcher. Why?

都不行 业务和用户目标是第一位的,它们决定了您需要开发的内容:内容以及用户交互和添加内容的机会。 显然,从这一点来看,作家与设计师或研究者一样重要。 为什么?

For two reasons: Content-first design, and narrative UX.


Content-first design is a cool catchphrase behind which lies the reality that content is what users are here for, so we need to get a rock-solid handle on the content in order to even consider how we might design for it. Even for a brochure. Or a brochureware website. What we want to say will direct how we present that information. (I’m looking at you, Apple.)

内容优先的设计是一个很酷的口号,其背后隐藏着一个事实,那就是内容是用户的目标所在,因此我们需要对内容进行坚如磐石的处理,甚至可以考虑如何设计内容。 即使是小册子。 或宣传册网站。 我们想说的将指导我们如何提供这些信息。 (我在看着你,苹果。)

Narrative UX is another cool catchphrase, but this one acknowledges that what I need to say here, in this moment, is actually part of a bigger communication that includes other tasks users may need to complete, goals you may want to achieve, or content they may want to add or consume under the umbrella of this brand.


So we take our content, and work out what else it needs to be connected to. Or we take an opportunity for a user to add content, and we look at what else that needs to be connected to. We consider this in light of user needs, of course, and also in terms of what makes sense for the brand.

因此,我们获取内容,并确定需要连接的内容。 或者,我们趁机给用户添加内容,然后研究需要连接的其他内容。 当然,我们会根据用户需求以及品牌的意义进行考虑。

I’m not talking about selling. I’m talking about what’s congruent with our brand’s personality, values, and so on.

我不是在谈论出售。 我说的是与我们品牌的个性,价值观等相称的内容。

As an example, let me tell you the tale of the careers website for Melbourne-based software company Aconex, where (full disclosure) I used to work. This site was developed primarily to attract top-notch developers to the business, so job listings were the key content. That’s why, after the hero image on the home page, which told you where you were, you’d see job listings.

举例来说,让我告诉您位于墨尔本的软件公司Aconex的职业网站的故事,我曾经在这里工作(完整披露)。 开发该网站的主要目的是吸引顶尖的开发人员加入该业务,因此工作清单是关键内容。 这就是为什么在首页上的英雄图片告诉您您所在的位置之后,您会看到工作清单的原因 。

Nothing dramatic there; it’s a pretty standard page layout. The site’s no longer online now. Aconex was acquired by Oracle, and there were no job listings to display on the Aconex Careers site: presumably all the jobs were offered through the parent company’s careers site. Yet for some months the Aconex site remained online, just without any job listings. And thus, without a reason for existence. What’s a Careers site without, um, jobs? Nothing but a photo montage of people having fun overwritten with inspirational statements. And that wasn’t a great look for the Aconex brand.

那里没有什么戏剧性的; 这是一个非常标准的页面布局。 该网站现在不再在线。 Aconex被Oracle(Oracle)收购,并且Aconex Careers网站上没有可显示的工作清单:大概所有工作都是通过母公司的职业网站提供的。 然而,几个月以来,Aconex网站一直在线,只是没有任何工作清单。 因此,没有理由存在。 什么是没有工作的职业网站? 有趣的人的照片蒙太奇不过是鼓舞人心的陈述而已。 对于Aconex品牌而言,这并不是一个很好的外观。

This little case exemplifies how business decisions can affect the way we tell brand stories. Better options would have been to pull relevant jobs into the Aconex Careers site, or immediately redirect this page to the Oracle recruitment page (as they’ve now done).

这个小案例说明了业务决策如何影响我们讲述品牌故事的方式。 更好的选择是将相关工作放到Aconex Careers站点中,或立即将此页面重定向到Oracle招聘页面(如他们现在所做的那样)。

It also shows why a writer is so important from the get-go on any project: writers aren’t just about putting words together. They’re experts at structuring stories. A user journey is a story. A brand story is a story. Stories make sense to users. And writers can help put content — and opportunities for users to add content — into context using their story-telling skills.

它还说明了为什么作家从一开始就对任何项目都如此重要:作家不仅仅是将单词放在一起。 他们是故事编排的专家。 用户旅程就是一个故事。 品牌故事就是故事。 故事对用户有意义。 作家可以利用他们的讲故事技能,帮助将内容以及用户添加内容的机会放到上下文中。

The benefit of knowing your product and users well is that the writer can also put better words together for your product. Here’s a before and after example of some work I did with a property listings website. They wanted to introduce a new real estate agent search to their mobile app with a bit of a flourish — although they acknowledge that the flourish was indeed an interruption to the user flow. So they wanted to keep it quick. Here’s the initial version of the in-product coachmark.

很好地了解您的产品和用户的好处在于,作者还可以为您的产品写出更好的文字。 这是我在房地产列表网站上所做的一些前后工作的例子。 他们想在他们的移动应用程序中引入一些新的房地产经纪人搜索功能,尽管他们承认这种繁荣确实是对用户流的干扰。 因此,他们想保持快速。 这是产品内标记的初始版本。

What’s wrong here? Apart from the fact that that’s a lot of text for a pretty straightforward message, the message itself is couched in terms of us, the brand, and what we’ve done, rather than focusing on the user.

怎么了 除了一个简单明了的消息包含大量文本这一事实之外,该消息本身还涉及我们,品牌和我们所做的事情,而不是关注用户。

After a few iterations, we got to this.


If I had free rein here, I’d remove the grey text under “Agents in [suburb]” to reduce repetition, but regardless, you can see that using an actual writer, rather than a designer, to write your product microcopy can make a big difference to that product experience.

如果我可以自由使用,我将删除“ [郊区]中的代理商”下的灰色文本以减少重复,但是无论如何,您可以看到使用实际的作者而不是设计师来撰写产品缩影可以与产品体验有很大的不同。

For more examples (many including those ever-elusive moments of delight), see Microcopy patterns and Good microcopy on Twitter.

有关更多示例(许多示例,包括那些令人难以捉摸的欢乐时刻),请参阅Twitter上的Microcopy模式和Good microcopy 。

3.如何与团队中的作家合作? (3. How Do I Work with a Writer in My Team?)

The easy answer: get them in at the project’s very beginning, and work with them as you would any other UXer, every step of the way.


First, find someone who can help you interpret your brand in users’ eyes even as you’re just beginning to structure a flow for a new feature, or work out how you’re going to reposition your offering on that new company website.


When I worked at Aconex, a UXer got me involved at the very start of a pretty hairy feature-addition: some clients (but not all) were going to start using two-factor authentication. How could we smooth this process for users, given that we didn’t have an in-product help layer?

当我在Aconex工作时,UXer让我参与了一项非常繁琐的功能添加工作:有些客户端(但不是全部)将开始使用两因素身份验证。 鉴于我们没有产品内帮助层,我们如何为用户简化这一过程?

The ultimate outcome is documented here, but the short story is that by analyzing the steps in the process with him, I was able to help him structure the steps in the “setup wizard” so that it was as simple as possible, linked at useful jump-off points to more information, and, as it turned out, made the process as simple as possible for the users in client organizations who took it up.

最终结果记录在这里 ,但简短的故事是,通过与他一起分析过程中的步骤,我能够帮助他在“设置向导”中构建步骤,从而使其尽可能简单,并在有用处链接。跳转指向更多信息,并且事实证明,此过程对于采用此方法的客户组织中的用户来说,使过程尽可能简单。

That’s before you even take into account the text used in the wizard itself, how it works alongside imagery (which, as the writer, I also collaborated on, of course) and the writing of genuinely useful support material, including email communications.


Like any other UXer, I was also able to help with, and respond to test and user feedback pre- and post-release, across the wizard and all the other materials.


Bottom line: get a good writer involved at the start, and I promise you’ll end up with a better user experience than if you’d used only researchers and designers.


What’s a good writer? Someone who has experience in, and understands the challenges of, writing for product interfaces, writing for the Web, and writing for direct digital response. If you don’t know where to start looking for this person, ask around in your professional networks as a starting point. Once you have some contenders, ask to see examples of their previous work, and check their references thoroughly. Then, maybe start them on a small trial project before you launch into something big and/or high-risk.

什么是好作家? 编写产品界面,编写Web以及编写直接数字响应方面有经验并了解挑战的人。 如果您不知道从哪里开始寻找这个人,请以专业网络为起点。 一旦有了一些竞争者,请要求查看其先前工作的示例,并彻底检查其参考文献。 然后,也许在开始具有高风险和/或高风险的事物之前,先在一个小型试验项目上启动它们。

建立更人性化的网站 (Building a More Human Web)

For decades, business have built technology as a host or holder for content. They’ve seen content as the filler, effectively, and something that didn’t really concern them specifically.

数十年来,企业已经建立了作为内容的主机或所有者的技术。 他们已经将内容有效地视为填充物,而这并不是他们真正关心的。

Now we can see that this approach is not the most intelligent one we could take. Users see content — yours and theirs — as the end game. Whether you’ve made it or they have, content is a vital part of the user experience. It’s what we’re here for.

现在我们可以看到这种方法不是我们可以采用的最智能的方法。 用户将内容(包括您自己和他们的内容)视为最终游戏。 无论是制作还是制作,内容都是用户体验的重要组成部分。 这就是我们在这里的目的。

So, get your head around your content before you start designing for it. Understand what the content will comprise and how it will work first. After that, you can begin to lay out interfaces and develop interaction points that bring users to the content when they want, and effortlessly. And get a writer on board to help structure storylines that connect your brand to users’ goals in a natural way. Together, we can iterate the Web to be an ever more enjoyable, useful, and natural experience for every user.

因此,在开始设计内容之前,请全神贯注于您的内容。 了解内容将包括什么以及它如何首先工作。 之后,您可以开始布局界面并开发交互点,以使用户在需要时毫不费力地访问内容。 并聘请作家来帮助构建故事情节,以自然方式将您的品牌与用户目标联系起来。 在一起,我们可以使Web遍历,使每个用户获得更愉悦,有用和自然的体验。

In the meantime, if you want to know more about content and UX, try these resources:


Kinneret Yifrah on Twitter

Kinneret Yifrah在Twitter上

Microcopy, The Complete Guide, also by Kinneret

显微镜,完整指南 ,同样由Kinneret提供

Lauxcritora on Twitter (and their website)

Twitter(及其网站 )上的Lauxcritora

UX Collective on Medium, which often publishes content on UX writing


The Word Design Doctor, my own semi-weekly newsletter on all things UX writing.

Word Design Doctor ,这是我自己的关于UX编写的每半年半期的新闻通讯。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/content-as-ux-building-a-more-human-web/
