
tech2024-04-08  88


Sorry about the missed week, fellow puzzlers — real life, and all that — I’ll try not to let it happen again.


Anyway, let’s get right to this week’s question. A few weeks ago, I posted a scavenger hunt for public data (answers); today we’ll return to dealing with that data.

无论如何,让我们直接解决本周的问题。 几周前,我发布了一次寻宝活动 , 寻找公共数据( 答案 )。 今天,我们将继续处理这些数据。

Of course, finding a viable source of data is only the first step; once you’ve figured out what to use, you have to figure out how to use it. Since I’m a certified database geek, the first thing I do once I’ve got some sweet data in hand is start thinking about database design.

当然,找到可行的数据来源只是第一步。 一旦确定了使用方法,就必须弄清楚如何使用它。 由于我是一位认证的数据库极客,一旦掌握了一些不错的数据,我要做的第一件事就是开始考虑数据库设计。

When we talk database design, we’re usually talking about formal database normalization, and specifically first, second, and third normal forms. Although I’ll be the first to admit that often formal normalization needs to take a back seat to pragmatic design or performance requirements, we’ll ignore that big caveat this week and plunge ahead.

在谈论数据库设计时,我们通常是在谈论正式的数据库规范化 ,尤其是第一 , 第二和第三范式。 尽管我将是第一个承认正式规范化通常需要在实用设计或性能要求方面退居二线的人,但我们本周将忽略这一重大警告,并继续前进。

Here, again, are the five data sources we located in the scavenger hunt:


Nutritional content of food from the USDA.

美国农业部食品的营养成分 。

(Links to) population demographics of every major city in the US, courtesy of the US Census Bureau.

(链接) 美国每个主要城市的人口统计数据 ,由美国人口普查局提供。

The latest SEC filings (in RSS, no less) straight from the horse’s mouth.

直接从马口中得知SEC的最新文件 (不少于RSS)。

Historical gas prices, from the Energy Information Administration (which I had never heard of until writing this quiz).

能源信息管理局的历史天然气价格 (在撰写此测验之前我从未听说过)。

Juvenile arrest rates from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (part of the Department of Justice).

少年司法和预防犯罪办公室(司法部的一部分)的少年逮捕率 。

So, which normal form are each of these sources in (and why)?

那么, 这些来源中的每一个都属于哪种范式(为什么) ?

We’ll discuss the answers and a bit more about the implications of database normalization this weekend.


奖金挑战! (Bonus challenge!)

For an extra challenge, pick one of the sources and define a fully normalized (i.e. 3NF) schema for it. There’s not in any way a “right” answer here, but if anyone’s brave enough to post their schemas, I’ll critique ’em when we go over the answers.

对于额外的挑战,请选择一个源并为其定义一个完全规范化(即3NF)的架构。 这里没有任何“正确”的答案,但是如果有人敢于发布自己的模式,当我们回答这些答案时,我会批评他们。

有自己的问题吗? (Got a question of your own?)

As always, if you’ve got a question, puzzle, or challenge that you think would make a good question for this quiz, email me at jacob -at- jacobian.org.

与往常一样,如果您认为自己的问题,难题或挑战对本测验提出了很好的疑问,请发送电子邮件至jacob -at-jacobian.org给我发送电子邮件。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/episode-4-whats-normal-really/

