
tech2024-04-08  89

The United Nations is beginning to put its formidable capabilities into the open source community, initially through its International Open Source Network, which operates in the Asia-Pacific region.

联合国开始通过其在亚太地区运营的国际开源网络 ,开始将其强大的能力投入开源社区。

The division calls itself a center of excellence for free and open source software offering educational materials, public sessions with speakers (including Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation) from the open source sphere and acting as an advocate for open source technology in general in the region.

该部门自称为免费和开放源代码软件卓越中心,提供教育材料 ,与来自开放源代码领域的演讲者(包括自由软件基金会的Richard Stallman)进行公开会议,并在总体上倡导开放源代码技术地区。

The mission is put forth clear as a vision to reduce the digital divide where Linux and open source solutions serve as an economic alternative in scenarios where budget dollars are tight.


Open source has certainly proved over the last decade that operations large and small can deploy sophisticated platforms without the significant cost of proprietary software licensing. These efforts were mirrored by Sun Microsystems in releasing an open source Solaris. At today’s conference call announcing Open Solaris, Sun representatives (including CEO Scott McNealy and prodigal son Tom Goguen, back fresh from a stint with Apple) stated that in part the motivation in bringing the OS out free and open source is to provide enterprise-class capabilities in developing countries where software licensing costs can stifle development and innnovation.

在过去十年中,开放源代码无疑已证明,无论大小规模的运营都可以部署复杂的平台,而无需花费大量专有软件许可。 Sun Microsystems在发布开源Solaris时反映了这些努力。 在今天宣布Open Solaris的电话会议上,Sun代表(包括CEO Scott McNealy和浪子Tom Goguen,刚从苹果公司回来)表示,将OS开源和免费开源的部分原因是为了提供企业级产品发展中国家的软件许可成本会扼杀开发和创新的能力。

This is certainly fascinating seeing the UN in part fund this activity and perhaps we will see the seeds of this effort begin to spring up globally within the groups operations.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/united-nations-joins-open-source/
