
tech2024-04-08  72


I tend to design a lot of interfaces for both Fireworks and Flash extensions, some can be simple, some are more complex with many different parameters that the user has the ability to control. Most of the Flash command panels that I’ve written for the SitePoint blog have had simple controls (such as dials and sliders) that the user can relate to as they have there feet firmly planted in the real world and have been designed based on controllers (knobs, dials and sliders) from my experience of products that I use on a daily basis

我倾向于为Fireworks和Flash扩展设计很多接口,有些可以很简单,有些则更复杂,用户可以控制许多不同的参数。 我为SitePoint博客编写的大多数Flash命令面板都具有简单的控件(例如转盘和滑块),用户可以将其与之关联,因为它们已经牢固地放置在现实世界中,并且基于控制器进行了设计。根据我每天使用产品的经验(旋钮,刻度盘和滑块)

It’s easy to give the user basic input boxes to enter their data when designing an interface that the user will interact with, but I find the experience to be enhanced when ‘touchy-feely’ controls are used. After all, from switching on the TV to using the toaster there are a multitude of devices that we control around the home, so if you are looking for inspiration then there is often no need to step out of the front door, it could be looking you right in the face!

在设计与用户进行交互的界面时,很容易为用户提供基本的输入框来输入其数据,但是我发现使用“轻巧易用”的控件可以增强用户的体验。 毕竟,从打开电视到使用烤面包机,我们可以在家中控制大量设备,因此,如果您正在寻找灵感,那么通常无需走出前门,这可能是在寻找你正对着脸!

Take the following example, an interface for a free Fireworks MX command which is an overhaul of the existing version that shipped with Fireworks MX / MX 2004 which I wrote nearly 2 years ago; all the controls are laid out in a simple uncluttered manner, with the main sliders at the top, and the effect modulators at the bottom (dials). Everything is to hand and easy to use with feedback given in the preview area based on the user input. Simple but effective

以下面的示例为例,它是免费的Fireworks MX命令的接口,该接口是对我将近两年前编写的Fireworks MX / MX 2004附带的现有版本的全面改进; 所有控件都以简单整洁的方式布置,主滑块位于顶部,效果调制器位于底部(对角线)。 根据用户输入,预览区域中给出的反馈使一切都易于使用和使用。 简单但有效


